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12 Tips For How To Survive A Car Crash Accident And Prevent It

12 Tips For How To Survive A Car Crash Accident And Prevent It

Understanding how to survive a car accident involves learning how to manage risks and implement safety precautions, actions that could save your life. Car crashes are an unfortunate but real part of modern life.

Nobody is immune to car accidents, so it’s vital to understand survival strategies for such scenarios. From understanding vehicle safety features to post-crash actions, this guide provides comprehensive insights.

This article serves as your survival guide, presenting an array of strategies designed to enhance your chances of surviving should you ever encounter an unfortunate automobile accident.

We’ll delve into the often-underestimated elements like seat belts, air bags, and appropriate seating positions, unveiling their critical role in your safety.

So, if you’ve ever felt unequipped or anxious about what to do in the event of a car crash, take a deep breath and read on. 

Photo of the front of a car that has been wrecked.

In This Guide:

Photo of a car crash on the side of the road.

Understanding Car Crashes And Their Risks

Understanding car crashes and their associated risks is the first step toward prevention. Road conditions, driver behavior, and car types contribute to different risk levels. Being aware of these factors can drastically reduce the chances of a mishap.

Each year, the U.S. witnesses a staggering average of over 6 million passenger car accidents. Leading the chart as the primary cause of death, road accidents sadly claim more than 38,000 lives annually. These figures are a harsh reminder of the potential deadly risks associated with driving.

Secondly, the reasons behind these crashes are varied and complex, often involving a combination of human error, mechanical failure, and environmental conditions.

Distracted driving, such as texting or eating while driving, is one of the leading causes of accidents. Other major contributing factors include driving in high speeds, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and reckless driving.

It’s vital to note that many car crashes are preventable, with responsible driving playing a significant role in reducing these risks.

Lastly, the physical and emotional impact of car crashes extends beyond the immediate event.

Survivors may face long-term consequences, including physical disabilities, psychological trauma, and financial strain due to medical expenses or loss of income.

Safety Features: Your Car’s Silent Protectors

Your car’s built-in safety features serve as silent protectors. From airbags to anti-lock brakes, these systems aim to minimize damage, and knowing how to use them properly enhances their efficacy.

All vehicles are different and not every car will have all of these features. Here are a few examples:

  • Seat Belts: Seat belts are your primary defense during a collision. They secure you in place, distributing the crash force across the stronger areas of your body. It’s simple: buckle up, every time.

Photo of a car seat belt, your primary defense on how to survive a car crash.

  • Airbags: These rapidly inflating cushions protect passengers during a severe impact, reducing injuries by preventing direct contact with the vehicle’s interior. Remember, they complement seat belts, not replace them.

  • Seat Adjustments: Correct seating positions can significantly enhance your safety. Your seat should allow easy access to controls and pedals, with your back resting firmly against the seat, and the headrest adjusted to protect against whiplash.

    Babies and young children should be in appropriate car seats or booster seats according to their age, weight and height.

    You can learn more here about child safety seats:

  • Anti-lock Brakes (ABS): Anti-lock brakes prevent wheel lock-up during hard braking, allowing you to retain steering control — a lifesaver in panic-braking situations.

  • Electronic Stability Control (ESC): This feature helps keep your vehicle on its intended path during a turn, to avoid skidding or even rolling over.

  • Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS): This system warns you when a tire is dangerously under inflated, helping to prevent tire blowouts and maintain optimal vehicle handling.

  • Rear back up camera: This camera is helpful in avoiding back up collisions and detecting objects in rear blind spots.

  • Blind Spot Sensor: These sensors notify you when something is in your blind spot. Notifications could be blinking light, sound or vibration depending on the car model.

  • Lane departure assist: This feature can notify you when you are driving off the road and make small adjustments to keep you on the road.

  • Forward Collision Warning: Sensors will warn you of possible front impact. This could be lights or sounds and in some models your car will brake for you to avoid collisions.

Your car’s safety features are not just technological marvels; they’re crucial elements designed to keep you safe. Make the most of them to enhance your safety during an unfortunate accident.

Image of a speed limit sign.

Ways To Prevent A Car Crash

Practical methods exist for significantly lowering your risk of a car crash, such as defensive driving courses that teach you essential skills for road safety.

Now let’s look into the preventative measures that can considerably reduce the risk of car crashes. 

Respecting Speed Limits and Avoiding Distractions

Excessive speed is a leading cause of accidents. Likewise, texting or calling while driving diverts your attention and increases risk.

It’s best to practice the following when driving:

  • Always follow the speed limit to maintain better control of your vehicle.

  • Avoid using your cell phone to prevent distractions that can lead to car wrecks.

  • Never text and drive, as this can significantly increase the risk of a crash.

Young girl texting while driving.

Proper Use of Safety Features

Using your car’s safety features to the fullest can prevent accidents. Knowing when to use features like traction control can make a difference. Learn more about your car’s features by reading the car manual.

  • Utilize your vehicle’s safety feature, such as anti-lock brakes and airbags.

  • Adjust mirrors to eliminate blind spots and ensure optimal visibility.

  • Always wear your seatbelt and ensure that children use appropriate child restraints.

Preventing Head-On Collisions

Preventing head-on collisions involves proactive measures, such as keeping a safe distance from oncoming traffic is essential and proper lane discipline to significantly reduce your risk of car accidents.

  • Stay focused and avoid driving in oncoming traffic lanes.

  • Be cautious when navigating winding roads, and pay attention to roadside warning to decrease the chances of a head-on collision and ensure a safer driving experience for everyone on the road.
Photo of a wrecked car.

12 Tips For How To Survive A Car Crash Accident

If you do find yourself in an accident, knowing how to survive a car crash is critical. Having a game plan increases your chances of surviving. So follow these tips that range from immediate actions to psychological preparedness:

  1. Stay calm and focused: In the event of a car crash, keeping a clear mind will help you make better decisions and react more efficiently.

  2. Always wear your seatbelt: This might seem obvious, but it is essential to always wear your seatbelt, as it can significantly increase your chances of surviving an accident.

  3. Brace for impact: If you see an unavoidable crash coming, try to tense your muscles and brace yourself for the impact.

  4. Grip the wheel firmly: A firm grip on the wheel can help you maintain or regain control of the vehicle during a skid or other unexpected circumstances.

  5. Avoid head-on collisions: If a crash is imminent, try to avoid colliding head-on with other vehicles or immovable objects.

  6. Control your speed: The faster the impact, the more damage it will cause. Do your best to control your car’s speed and maneuverability during a crash.

  7. Steer in the direction of a skid: If your car starts to skid, turn the wheel in the direction of the skid, and avoid pressing the brakes or accelerator until your tires regain traction.

  8. Smooth movements: Quick but smooth responses can help you avoid potential accidents or minimize their effects.

  9. Be prepared for different scenarios: Educate yourself on how to handle various types of crashes, such as avalanches, hurricanes, or tornadoes, and follow the appropriate safety measures accordingly.

  10. Know how to escape from a sinking car: If your car ends up in a body of water, stay calm, unbuckle your seatbelt, roll down or break a window, and swim to the surface.

  11. Stay in your vehicle after an accident: If it is safe to do so, remain in your car until help arrives. This can protect you from further injuries or dangers on the road.

  12. Call for help: After assessing your own safety and that of any passengers, call emergency services for assistance.

    Several modern vehicles come equipped with systems capable of detecting accidents and summoning assistance when you might not be able to. Refer to your vehicle’s safety guide to activate these essential features.

    Additionally, many individuals carry smartphones or wear devices like Apple Watches, which also have crash detection and emergency SOS capabilities.

    These can automatically alert emergency services and provide them with your location in the event of a mishap. Such potentially life-saving features are often overlooked, so it’s worth exploring what your devices can do for you.

    Discover more here:

Photo of a car crash.

Surviving Specific Car Crash Scenarios

Different crash scenarios require unique survival strategies. Head-on collisions, for instance, have different dynamics compared to rear-end accidents. Adapting your response based on the situation can improve outcomes.

Head-On Collisions

Surviving head-on collisions primarily hinges on swift, evasive action. If an oncoming vehicle veers into your lane, sound your horn, flash your lights, and if necessary, steer right to avoid a direct hit.

Your aim is to redirect the impact to the sides of the vehicles, which can significantly reduce the chance of getting serious injuries.

Don’t forget to brace for impact, protecting your head and chest if a crash is unavoidable.

Rear-End Accidents

To survive rear-end accidents, always keep your seatbelt fastened and headrest adjusted to the correct height to prevent whiplash.

If you see the collision coming in your rear-view mirror, brace yourself by placing your head against the headrest and gripping the steering wheel tightly, preparing your body for the impact.

This can minimize injuries and maintain control over the vehicle.

Also, prepare for a potential secondary impact, as often these kinds of accidents can lead to a chain reaction, especially in traffic.

Photo of wrecked car.

Side-Impact Collision or T-Bone

Surviving a side-impact or T-bone collision is largely about minimizing injury. Keep your hands on the steering wheel and brace against the seat to reduce movement during impact.

A properly worn seatbelt, in combination with the car’s side-impact airbags, will also be essential for mitigating the force and preventing severe injuries.

However, the impact can result in the car spinning, and knowing to release the brakes just enough to allow a controlled spin can prevent a rollover.

Car Rolled Over

If your vehicle begins to roll over, your seatbelt is your best safety feature. It keeps you inside the vehicle, preventing injuries caused by being ejected from the car.

Hitting A Moose Or Other Large Animals

In case of a collision with a large animal, such as a moose, keep both hands on the wheel and brake firmly. Don’t swerve, as you may lose control and cause a fatal car accident. Slow down in areas with wildlife warnings.

Photo of a deer in the middle of the road as a car approaches.

Crashing In The Middle Of Nowhere

After a crash in a remote area, assess your injuries and call for help if possible. Stay with your vehicle, use its hazard lights, and create a signal for rescuers to find you.

Falling Off A Cliff/Mountain

When facing a cliff or mountain fall, try to steer in the direction of the fall to reduce impact. Brace yourself and protect your head. Call for help once the car has stopped moving.

Getting Hit By Falling Debris

Cover your head with your arms and lean down towards the floor when debris falls. Park the car safely after the impact and assess damages and injuries.

Caught In A Rock Slide/Land Slide

When caught in a land slide, slow down, maintain a safe distance, and find an open area. Stay in your car and protect your head. Wait for help once the event has passed.

Crashing In Snow

After a winter crash, stay inside your car to avoid frostbite. Make sure the exhaust pipe is clear to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. Use a blanket and call for help.

Image of a wrecked vehicle in the snow.

Crashing In A Wild Fire

Drive away from the fire, if possible. If trapped, park in an open area, close all windows, and cover yourself with a blanket. Wait for the fire to pass and seek help.

Car Caught In An Avalanche

Stay in your car once it stops moving. Turn on your hazard lights and honk the horn. Create an air pocket and avoid breathing into the snow. Wait for rescue.

Post-Crash Actions And Recovery

Actions taken post-crash can influence your recovery and legal outcomes. Immediate measures range from checking injuries to alerting authorities. You also need to follow through with medical treatment and legal procedure.

Immediate Measures To Take After A Crash

After a car crash, make sure you stay calm and keep a firm grip on the steering wheel. Avoid sudden movements like jerking the wheel or slamming the brakes — this could make things worse. Also, secure potential projectiles to prevent further harm.

Car accident

Seeking Medical Treatment

Even in the safest car, injuries can occur, so prioritize your health and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Don’t underestimate the impact of the accident on your body.

Follow-Up Care

Follow your doctor’s recommendations and continue attending check-ups for the best recovery. Patience and perseverance will help you bounce back stronger.

Emergency Supplies You May Need In Case Of A Car Crash

Even with the best precautions, car crashes can still happen. Having the right emergency supplies at hand can make a difference. First aid kits and road flares are basic essentials. Even high-tech gadgets like portable chargers and GPS units can be life-saving.

Hence, keeping a well-stocked emergency supply kit in your car can help you deal with the immediate aftermath of a crash and keep you safe while waiting for help to arrive.

Here are some of the essential items you should have in your emergency kit:

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is crucial for treating minor injuries on the spot.

A basic kit should include band-aids, gauze pads, adhesive tape, disinfectant wipes, scissors, tweezers, and a few over-the-counter medications like aspirin and antihistamines.

Image of jumper cables, bright orange hazard cones and a first aid kit in the back of a car with blankets.

High-Visibility Vest, Road Flares And Warning Triangles

After a crash, it’s essential to make yourself and your car visible to other drivers to avoid further incidents. Wearing a high-visibility vest will make you noticeable if you need to exit the vehicle, and placing warning triangles around your car will alert oncoming traffic.

Another great option is distress signals or road flares, these can be set up on the road or hand held to alert other drivers and emergency vehicles of your location. They are great at night or in all types of weather conditions.

Image of a bag of distress signal (road flares) in the back of a vehicle.

Flashlight and Extra Batteries

In case of a crash at night or a poorly lit area, a flashlight can help you assess the situation and make your vehicle visible to rescuers.


If you’re stranded in cold weather, a blanket or emergency sleeping bag can help keep you warm until help arrives.

Fire Extinguisher

Acompact fire extinguisher designed for automotive use can help you keep the situation under control in the event of a small fire.

Window Breaker and Seat Belt Cutter

These tools can be lifesaving if you need to quickly exit a vehicle. They’re especially critical if the car is submerged or the doors are jammed.

Food and Water

In case you’re stranded for an extended period, keep a few bottles of water and non-perishable food items in your car. We usually have a few bottles of water and some miscellaneous protein bars in our car at all times. There are also survival kits for your car with water and food rations available such as the one below.

Cell Phone Charger & Portable Battery Pack

A car charger or a portable battery pack can ensure your phone is powered, allowing you to make emergency calls. Some car chargers can not only jump start your car but, contain usb ports to easily charge your phone and an air compressor for tires.

Basic Tool Kit

A basic tool kit should include items like a multi-tool, duct tape, and a tire pressure gauge. They might be useful in making minor repairs or stabilizing the situation.

Emergency Whistle

Emergency whistles can be used to signal for help, especially if you’re trapped or injured.

Survival Shovel

A survival shovel makes a great companion in an emergency. You may find yourself digging your car out of the snow after skidding off the road.

1. Zune Lotoo Survival Shovel 28-in-1 Multitool
  • Durable built made of cast martensitic steel
  • Lifetime warranty
  • Includes 28 survival tools
  • Adjustable shovel angle
  • Expensive
  • Heavy

Tips For How To Survive A Car Crash Accident: Key Takeaways

Surviving a car crash is not a topic anyone likes to dwell on, but preparation can make a significant difference when seconds count. Risk awareness and prevention are your primary lines of defense. Should an accident occur, proper preparation and prompt action are your best allies.

Always remember the following:

  • Stay calm during the accident. Remain or regain control of your vehicle.

  • Steer in the direction of a skid. Avoid braking or pressing the accelerator.

  • Wear your seatbelt properly. Ensure your lap belt sits low and your shoulder belt goes across your chest.

  • Avoid sudden movements. Respond quickly but smoothly to any accidents.

While we all hope to never find ourselves in such a situation, it’s always better to be prepared. 

Remember these tips, share them with your loved ones, and drive safely. Your life and the lives of others may very well depend on it.

Image of a portable car charger battery pack used for jump starting car, usb ports & air compressor.

Pro Tip: I keep a Duracell Powerpack Pro in the back of my car at all times.

Despite being an older model, it is a dependable tool for emergencies and routine usage alike, whether I’m out and about or embarking on a family camping trip.

On a few occasions, it has enabled me to jump-start vehicles for random folks at places like the supermarket and local park.

One feature I particularly value is the air compressor. Its utility has been proven countless times to add air to a low tires and I’ve inflated a number of flat soccer balls for my children and their fellow teammates.

While this may not be the emergency situation I initially anticipated, the device’s versatility unquestionably proves to be beneficial.

25 Best Survival Watches For Outdoor Adventures 2023

25 Best Survival Watches For Outdoor Adventures 2023

The best survival watches aren’t just timekeepers; they’re versatile watches equipped for extreme conditions. Crafted with precision, these timepieces, like the renowned Casio G-Shock series, offer both durability and essential features, making them indispensable for survival scenarios.

A survival watch allows you to fire up the GPS to find your spot with a few clicks. Its digital compass can also point you back toward the familiar trail.

It may also track your health while its barometer warns you of a coming storm. Having a survival watch is like having your mini survival expert on your wrist.

Not sure where to find one? Worry no more, we’ve done the work for you.

We have compiled the 25 best survival watches on the market. Whatever your adventure, we’ve got the perfect companion for your wrist.

Image of a survival watch on the wirst of a hiker.

In This Guide:

Our Top 3 Picks for the Best Survival Watches You Need Today

The Suunto Core, Garmin Instinct, and Luminox stand tall in today’s survival watch market. These models have consistently garnered acclaim, not only for their robustness but also for their multifunctional capabilities.

Man sitting in the woods wearing a survival watch.

What Is A Survival Watch?

A survival watch is a multifunctional portable timepiece designed to aid in survival situations. Apart from timekeeping, these wristwatches offer functionalities like GPS, weather alerts, and more. Brands like Luminox have set benchmarks, ensuring their timepieces assist survivalists in demanding environments.

These allow you to navigate using GPS and often come with a compass. They also enable you to add different time zones, measure barometric pressure, monitor temperatures and atmospheric pressures, and even have emergency signal capabilities.

They are typically designed to be rugged and durable, able to withstand harsh environments and extreme weather conditions.

For example, a mountaineer trapped in a snowstorm could use the altimeter and compass on their survival watch to navigate their way to safety.

A soldier in a remote location could use the GPS function to pinpoint their location or the emergency signal feature to call for help.

Survival watches are essential tools for adventurers, military personnel, survivalists, and anyone venturing into the wilderness.

What To Look For When Buying A Survival Watch

When navigating the world of survival watches, the ABC (Altimeter, Barometer, Compass) criteria are paramount. This trifecta, often embedded in high-end models, provides users with essential data for wilderness exploration.

Knowing what to look for in a survival watch can be the difference between a beneficial investment and a costly mistake.

Factors like durability, water resistance, and additional features play a critical role. Here are the other key aspects to look for when purchasing one:

A display of various survival watches on a log.


From robust materials like titanium to shatterproof glass, durability ensures your watch withstands the rigors of outdoor life. The sturdiness of Sapphire Crystal lenses often dictates a watch’s endurance against knocks and falls. This crystal’s resilience ensures longevity, even when exposed to rough terrains.

Choose a watch that can withstand harsh conditions, including shocks, impacts, and extreme temperatures. Look for watches with sturdy construction, high-quality materials, and a rugged design.

Water Resistance

Your watch should be water-resistant to a certain depth, allowing you to use it in wet conditions or while swimming without damage. Such watches offer peace of mind when diving, swimming, or encountering wet conditions.

The level of water resistance can vary, so choose one that suits your specific needs. Whether you’re crossing rivers or caught in a downpour, a water-resistant watch can be a lifesaver.

Essential Features

Modern survival watches, similar to the Traser and 5.11 Pathfinder series, integrate a range of tools beyond mere timekeeping. From temperature readings to tide graphs, these features can be lifesavers in survival situations. Essential features can vary based on your specific needs but should include basics like a compass, altimeter, and barometer.

These built-in instruments offer crucial data, from direction to atmospheric conditions, making them indispensable for survival situations.

Photo of a girl in the woods wearing a survival watch.

GPS Functionality

The integration of GPS (Global Positioning System) in a watch, like Garmin models, aids in precise location tracking. This function is indispensable for explorers, ensuring they’re never truly lost. GPS functionality offers the advantage of real-time location tracking. They can guide you through unfamiliar territories and back to safety.

Although not all watches have GPS, those that do offer significant benefits for navigation and location tracking. GPS-enabled watches can help you find your way in unfamiliar terrain or call for assistance in emergencies.

Battery Life

Battery life can be the deciding factor in survival situations. Dependable battery life ensures that the watch’s critical functions remain operational when they’re needed most. Opting for a watch that has a long battery life is ideal as you may not have access to charging facilities in the wilderness.

Some watches have solar charging capabilities or energy-efficient systems, ensuring they won’t run out of power when you need them most.


Legibility is important when you’re in stressful or low-light conditions. A watch’s ability to remain readable in diverse conditions can be the difference between safety and peril. Features like backlighting and large numerical displays contribute to a watch’s readability.

The watch display should be easy to read in various lighting conditions, including low light and bright sunlight. Look for watches with a clear display, luminous markers, or backlighting features such as Indiglo or Super-LumiNova.

Image of an illuminated watch at night.

Comfort and Fit

Comfort and fit matter when you’re wearing your watch for extended periods, even during physically demanding activities. Adjustable straps and lightweight materials can make all the difference in long-term wear. Consider the watch’s size, weight, and strap materials when making your decision.

Price and Value

Price and value are not always synonymous when it comes to survival watches. A higher price tag may offer more features and durability, but ensure it aligns with your specific needs.

Survival watches come in various price points, from budget-friendly options to high-end models. Determine your budget and assess the features and quality offered by different watches to find one that offers the best value for your money.

For those on a tight budget, there are great survival watches, such as models from Casio and Timex, that offer a balanced mix of cost-effectiveness and key functionalities like compass navigation, weather forecasting, and durability.

Despite lacking some high-end features, these affordable watches are well-equipped for outdoor adventures with their essential survival functions.

The 25 Best Survival Watches

1. Luminox Bear Grylls Survival XB.3749 Mens Watch 45mm


Display: Analog

Material: Sapphire crystal, polycarbonate 

Water resistance: 300 meters

Features: Chronograph, Compass

  • Durable construction
  • Accurate compass
  • Lightweight
  • Lack of luminant on the second's hand

This watch isn’t just a timepiece, it’s a performance machine. The Bear Grylls Survival watch is designed to help you conquer any conditions, just like Bear Grylls himself. 

This watch has all the features you need for outdoor use, which are all housed in a 45mm military-grade stainless steel case.

And let’s not forget the bold orange and black design that makes a statement wherever you go.

Also Great
2. SUUNTO Core Outdoor Sports Watch


Display: Digital

Material: Metal and fabric

Water resistance: 30 m

Features: Altimeter, barometer, compass, temperature

  • Sleek and discrete look
  • Comfortable and easy to adjust
  • Water resistant
  • Lacks display brightness
  • Short battery life

The SUUNTO Core Alpha Watch is a military-grade timepiece that offers the essential outdoor features you need, packed into a rugged yet comfortable US Army-compliant textile strap.

Despite being lighter than anticipated, it doesn’t feel cheap. Instead, the weight makes it an ideal companion for active pursuits, allowing it to sit higher on your arm without impeding wrist movement.

It’s a watch that adapts to your lifestyle, not the other way around.

3. Casio GGB100-1A3 Master of G Mudmaster Men's Watch Green 55mm Carbon


Display: Analog/ Digital

Material: Carbon fiber/ resin

Water resistance: 200 m

Features: Compass, altimeter/ barometer, temperature reader, and pedometer

  • Easy to program
  • Packed with cool features
  • Easy to read
  • Display might be too large for some

The GGB100 Mudmaster isn’t just about rugged aesthetics and durability. It’s smart too.

With Bluetooth connectivity linking your watch to the special G-Shock app, setting up your timepiece is a breeze.

The app not only helps with configuration, but it also records altitude data, route information, and step counts — essential tools for any adventurer.

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the intricate features of some watches, don’t fret. The G-Shock app makes learning and managing these features easy and intuitive.

With this watch on your wrist and the app at your fingertips, you’ll feel like the master of your time.

4. Garmin Instinct Crossover Solar, Rugged Hybrid Smartwatch with Solar Charging Capabilities


Display: Analog. digital

Material: Fiber-reinforced polymer

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: GPS/ sports and health monitoring features

  • Long battery life
  • Glow in the dark
  • Responsive and clicky buttons
  • Font is too small

The Garmin Instinct Crossover Solar Watch is constructed to military standards.

It has a carbon-core guard structure case that shields the inner workings of the watch from shock-induced damage, so it’s a reliable companion for thrill-seekers.

It also features Stealth Mode, which enhances privacy and security by disabling GPS tracking and wireless connectivity — an invaluable feature in scenarios where location confidentiality is critical or when battery conservation is necessary.

Also, the solar charging feature offers up to 70 days of battery life in smartwatch mode and 31 hours in GPS mode.

Moreover, this watch doesn’t stop at survival. It caters to your everyday lifestyle and fitness goals as well.

5. SUUNTO Traverse Alpha - SS022292000 (Foliage - NS)


Display: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Built-in GPS tracking and navigation, altimeter, weather

  • Tough build
  • Flawless to operate
  • Button lock feature
  • Dim lights

Are you an angler or a hunter? This watch has you covered.

Its unique fishing and hunting features, such as a moon phase calendar, shot detection, sunrise alert, and weather trend, provide invaluable tools for your outdoor activities.

And when night falls, and visibility is low, the red backlight comes to the rescue, ensuring that you can still use your watch effectively.

Now, let’s be real. The watch does have its shortcomings. The dim display may require you to use the backlight more often, and the user interface may take some time to get used to.

But isn’t that a small price to pay for a device that can potentially save your life in the wilderness?

6. Timex Men Expedition Gallatin Solar Black Fabric Slip-Thru Strap Watch


Display: Analog

Material: Resin

Water resistance: 50 meters

Features: Solar-powered batteries

  • Solar recharge
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Lightweight
  • Hard to read when it’s bright

This watch isn’t just a timepiece. It’s a companion designed to match the pace of your active lifestyle.

This watch features the Expedition Solar technology, which is charged by any light source and boasts an impressive two-month power reserve. 

Of course, the watch isn’t perfect. It might not feel as sturdy as some would like, and the lack of a background light could be a minor setback.

But isn’t it worth the trade-off? A watch that charges itself, stays powered for months, withstands water, and is easy to read — all for a very affordable price.

7. Casio mens Tactical Rangeman G-Shock Solar Atomic Watch, Black/Black


Display: Digital

Material: Resin

Water resistance: 200 meters

Features: Solar power, altimeter, barometer, temperature, and sunset/rise times

  • Accurate sensors
  • Impressive battery life
  • Comfortable to wear
  • Hard to read

For those who prefer a non-flashy, functional timepiece, this Casio survival watch is a good choice.

Its robust construction makes it suitable for an active lifestyle, and you won’t have to be constantly mindful of it. It also has a lightweight design despite its size.

The main attraction for many is its long battery life — estimated to last around 10 years.

This sets it apart from smartwatches that require regular charging. It’s a watch that you can put on, and forget about, and it’ll still do its job.

8. Casio Men's PRO TREK Stainless Steel Quartz Watch with Resin Strap, Black


Display: Digital

Material: Resin

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Altimeter, barometer, compass, solar power, thermometer

  • Buttons are easy to use
  • Solar-powered
  • Easy to read
  • Feels big on the wrist

The Pathfinder PAG240-1 is a well-received altimeter watch that boasts a variety of appealing features.

What sets it apart is its user-friendly design, with clear labels on the buttons, and an impressive backlight that outshines competitors. It also offers great value for its price.

Plus, it’s entirely solar-powered and promises a long operation period. With normal use, the rechargeable battery can last approximately seven months without light exposure post-charge.

If stored in total darkness with the power save function on after a full charge, the battery can last an impressive 25 months. This resilience makes the Pathfinder PAG240-1 a reliable companion for your outdoor adventures.

9. Timex Men's Expedition Tide-Temp-Compass 45mm Quartz Watch


Display: Analog

Material: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Tide tracker, thermometer, digital compass

  • Durable and attractive metal face
  • Easy to use
  • Charges quickly
  • Small font makes it difficult to read

The Timex Tide Temp Compass watch is a versatile and durable timepiece that combines functionality with aesthetics, all at a reasonable price.

One of the best features of this watch is the absence of traditional chronographs. Instead, it’s equipped with various tools designed for outdoor enthusiasts, including a tide tracker, a thermometer, and an analog compass.

In addition to these functionalities, the watch has a blue dial with green accents, a date window at 6 o’clock, and compass markings.

Plus, the adjustable blue 16mm silicone strap with green accents fits up to an 8-inch wrist circumference and features quick-release spring bars for convenience.

10. SUUNTO 9 Peak: Premium GPS Running, Cycling, Adventure Watch with Route Navigation


Display: Digital

Material: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: GPS navigation, sports mode

  • Fast charging
  • Long battery life
  • Multiple sports mode features
  • Made for exercising and fitness

The Suunto 9 Peak is the thinnest, smallest, and toughest watch Suunto has ever made designed for peak experiences.

With 25 hours of battery life in its best GPS mode, 80 sports modes, and an impressive water resistance of up to 100m, it was built for the wild and the extreme.

What’s more, it connects seamlessly to your favorite sports apps, offering detailed training analysis and guidance.

It even controls your music right from your wrist. Best of all, its lightning-fast battery can go from 0% to 100% in an hour, so you’re never left hanging.

11. COROS VERTIX 2 GPS Adventure Watch with Global Offline Mapping, Dual Frequency GPS


Display: Digital

Material: Titanium alloy

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Maps, GPS, health trackers, music storage and access

  • Premium build quality
  • Large display
  • Easy to operate
  • Too big and heavy for some

The COROS VERTIX 2 comes equipped with Landscape, Topo, and Hybrid global offline mapping, enabling you to navigate even the most challenging terrains with confidence.

With a whopping 140 hours of full GPS tracking and 60 days of normal use, it’s built to endure.

Constructed with premium materials like a sapphire glass screen with a Diamond-Like-Coating and a new Titanium Bezel, it’s scratch-resistant and built to last. However, it’s worth noting that you’ll need an internet connection to download routes to the watch from your smartphone.

Still, its robust build quality and unbeatable battery life make it a worthy contender, especially if you’re looking for a reliable tool for your adventurous pursuits.

12. MTM Tactical Smart Watch


Display: Analog

Material: Titanium alloy

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Bluetooth, compass, navigation, weather, chronograph

  • Large display and easy to read
  • Fully customizable
  • Rugged and excellent functionality
  • Short life span

This tactical smart gear combines the sophistication of an analog watch with the capabilities of a smartwatch. It features traditional watch hands that transform into an all-terrain compass when needed.

Pair this with a sleek bracelet with the 100-meter water-resistant titanium watch case, and you’ve got a rugged smartwatch that doesn’t compromise on style.

The Status ensures you never miss anything important by delivering all possible notifications straight to your wrist.

It works with Android or iOS. Plus, it’s fully customizable, allowing you to configure the watch to reflect your personality.

13. Garmin fenix 7 Solar Adventure Smartwatch


Display: Digital

Material: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: GPS, fitness tracking, Bluetooth

  • Battery lasts long
  • Durable
  • Built-in flashlight
  • Low quality buttons

With this watch, you’d have up to 73 hours of GPS mode under direct sunlight, thanks to its solar charging feature.

Plus, its benefits extend beyond just navigation. This watch can also be your ultimate fitness companion with its 30+ sports apps.

What’s more, this watch doesn’t just give you numbers — it helps you understand them. The heart effort indicator helps you manage your effort levels, especially during hot summer runs. 

And yes, it does have a touchscreen, making it all the more convenient to use. But it also has trusted button controls in any environment, so you always have quick, convenient access to your selections.

14. Alpina Men's Alpiner X Outdoor Connected Watch


Display: Digital

Material: Glass fiber and stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Accelerometer, altimeter, altitude, temperature, air pressure, compass

  • Long battery life
  • High-quality and durable design
  • Easy to use
  • Watch is reliant on your home

Crafted in Switzerland, the AlpinerX is designed to be your all-weather, all-terrain companion. Its cutting-edge technology is compatible with both iOS and Android and pairs effortlessly with the Alpina App.

But here’s where it gets better — this watch doesn’t need daily charging, weekly charging, or even monthly charging. Its battery life extends beyond two years, so you never have to worry about losing power when needed.

However, it’s a bit bulky, and you might need to remove it for an accurate temperature reading.

But let’s face it: when you’re out there, facing the elements, these minor inconveniences fade away against the benefits. And for the price? It’s a steal.

15. Marathon Military Grade Clip-On Wrist Compass


Display: Analog

Material: Nylon

Water resistance: 10 meters

Features: Clip-on compass

  • Accurate
  • Made of high quality
  • Easy to read
  • Rotating bezel is hard to turn

The Marathon’s Clip Compass is not a watch, but we thought it was worth mentioning because it’s a compass you can clip or attach to your watch.

But it’s not just a compass! It’s a survival tool designed for any outdoor setting. Its compact and lightweight design doesn’t hinder your movements, and its hands-free operation ensures you can continue your activities unhindered.

It glows brightly for many hours, clearly legible for the first hour or so in the dark. However, over extended periods in the dark, the bright bezel ring may wash out the markings on the face, making them harder to read.

Despite this, its luminous material and impressive visibility make it a reliable tool in any situation.

16. Garmin tactix Delta Solar with Ballistics


Display: Digital

Material: Steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Bluetooth, GPS, altimeter, barometer, 3-axis electronic compass

  • Rugged design built to military standards
  • Excellent battery life
  • Large and clear display
  • Night vision compatibility

This smartwatch’s design and functionality are meant for those who thrive in the great outdoors. Its impressive battery life of up to 21 days ensures you’re not tethered to a power outlet.

Instead, you’re free to explore with your adventure’s data tracked and stored on your wrist.

The Tactix Delta is built to provide accurate GPS, even rivaling handheld GPS devices. It’s built to give you a clear topo map, a reliable compass, and an accurate altimeter.

It’s also built to track your body functions like heart rate, O2 saturation, and calories burned.

Moreover, this smartwatch is adaptable. You can customize the widgets to reflect what you want to track or record, giving you a personalized progress dashboard.

17. Garmin Instinct Rugged Outdoor Smartwatch with Solar Charging


Display: Digital

Material: Fiber-reinforced polymer

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Power manager, GPS, accelerometer, notifications, sleep monitor, fitness tracker, night vision, solar charging

  • Long battery life
  • Built to military standards
  • Night vision compatibility
  • Hit or miss on connectivity

Forget about the anxiety of your watch running out of power just when you need it the most.

The solar charging capabilities of the Garmin Instinct Tactical watch extend its battery life far beyond traditional charging, providing you with reliable service in even the most remote locations.

This is a sturdy mil-spec watch that can also work as your personal fitness and health tracker. It can also provide information with a quick glance at your wrist, so there’s no need to dig out your phone. 

Plus, it’s more than just a piece of tech; it’s a lifestyle.

From waking you up before dawn with its effective vibration and sound alarm to helping you track your sleep throughout the week, this watch can become your personal assistant.

18. Casio Men's PRO Trek Stainless Steel Quartz Watch with Resin Strap, Black, 23.5


Display: Analog

Material: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Altimeter, barometer, and compass

  • Easy to use and set up
  • Accurate right out of the box
  • Large dial and display
  • No backlight during key presses

The PRW-6600 is a triple-sensor powerhouse featuring an altimeter, barometer, and digital compass with bearing memory, making it your reliable navigator in the wild.

Equipped with a tough solar charging system, it harnesses the sun’s power to ensure you’re never left stranded.

The watch’s exceptional accuracy is ensured by its quartz movement, offering precision that few mechanical movements can match.

If you’re within range of the Atomic Timekeeping signal, your watch will stay in sync with the official time, making it your reliable partner in every situation.

19. Luminox Recon Pointman Quartz Movement Black Dial Men's Watch XL.8832.MI


Display: Analog

Material: Carbon compound

Water resistance: 200 meters

Features: Night vision tubes, date display

  • Lightweight and built to last
  • Double-security gasket crown
  • Highly-visible display
  • It's pretty thick for some

The Recon Point Man watch is a leader’s best friend, designed with precision and simplicity.

With a tachymeter scale to measure your walking speeds, and a turning bezel marked with degrees, this watch acts as an efficient compass, helping you determine your position even under the brightest sun.

However, remember that the compass may be less accurate when kept too close to the watch’s metal body. But detach it from the strap, and it provides reliable readings.

20. Watch Citizen Promaster Altichron Bn4021-02e Men's GPS Black


Display: Analog

Material: Titanium

Water resistance: 200 meters

Features: Altimeter, electronic compass, date display

  • Comfortable to wear
  • Easy to read
  • Sturdy build
  • Band only comes in one size

The Citizen Promaster Altichron isn’t your average timepiece. It’s an investment in reliability, performance, and style.

Crafted with Eco-Drive light power technology, this watch isn’t bound by ordinary limitations.

Citizen’s has a reputation for producing high-quality, reliable watches. And this Promaster Altichron is an extremely sharp watch that delivers exceptional performance, even during round-the-clock wear.

This watch is as sturdy as a tank, ready to endure the toughest conditions without breaking a sweat.

And the best part? It never tires your wrist, allowing for comfortable wear all day long.

Budget Pick
21. Garmin 010-02064-00 Instinct Rugged Outdoor Watch with GPS


Display: Digital

Material: Fiber-reinforced polymer

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: GPS, sports app, barometer, compass

  • Rugged design
  • Impressive battery life
  • Fitness trackers and navigation features
  • Fitness tracking is not always accurate

The Garmin Instinct doesn’t just tell the time. It’s also equipped with a 3-axis compass, barometric altimeter, and multiple global navigation satellite systems that keep you on track even when GPS alone falls short.

It also monitors your health and has additional features such as smart notifications and automatic data uploads to the Garmin Connect online fitness community.

You’ll appreciate the Garmin Instinct’s always-on screen, which offers clear visibility under any lighting conditions.

And with customizable notification settings, you can set the watch to alert you with a tone, vibration, or both, ensuring you never miss important updates.

22. Luminox Men's Navy Seal Black/Black Rubber Watch


Display: Analog

Material: Carbon reinforced case

Water resistance: 200 meters

Features: Bright tritium light

  • Lightweight
  • Impressive brightness
  • Built-in date window
  • Case is made of plastic
  • Oversized watch design isn’t suitable for those with smaller wrists

For over 25 years, Luminox has collaborated with elite maritime commandos to craft a watch robust and practical enough to be the top choice for the world’s best warriors. The Luminox Navy SEAL watch is the timepiece that made Luminox famous. 

The crystal, though susceptible to scratches and potential cracks, has withstood the harshest of conditions — from motorcycle crashes to laborious mechanical and landscaping work.

Unless you’re wrestling a bear, this watch will stand up to the challenges of your lifestyle.

The Luminox Navy SEAL watch’s tritium vials emit an intensely bright, almost purplish-blue glow.

It may take some getting used to if you’re accustomed to the traditional green glow, but the brightness it provides is unbeatable.

23. SEIKO PROSPEX SBBN047 Marine Master Quartz Men's Watch


Display: Analog

Material: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Chronograph

  • Excellent battery life
  • Built to last
  • Ideal for divers
  • Doesn't have full warranty unless you but it from a Japanese authorized dealer

Made from titanium and scratch-resistant ceramic shroud, this watch is durable, light, and more corrosion-resistant than stainless steel. It’s one of the top choices for water sports or diving.

Its size is perfect, wearable yet substantial, making a statement without compromising comfort.

At the heart of the Darth Tuna is the 7c46, a high-torque quartz movement designed to withstand shock, ensuring you never lose track of time when you’re miles from the surface.

Add to this a battery life that’s nothing short of extraordinary — five years — and you have a watch that won’t let you down.

24. Men's TW4B02500 Expedition Grid Shock Black Resin Strap Watch


Display: Digital

Material: Acrylic and resin

Water resistance: 100 meters

Features: Chronograph, timer, daily alarms 

  • Easy to set and read
  • Comfortable on the wrist
  • Large display
  • Flimsy wristband

The first thing that strikes you about the Grid Shock is its size — large and wide, making it easy to read even in less than ideal conditions.

Despite its size, it feels right at home even on smaller wrists, with a wide, soft band that promises secure comfort.

Setting this watch is a breeze, thanks to Timex’s “Easy-Set” functionality. You won’t need to fumble with a manual; clear labels guide you through the process effortlessly.

It’s comfortable to wear and features a 100-hour chronograph, a 24-hour countdown timer, and three vibrating and audible alarms. This watch is more than just a timekeeper — it’s a survival tool.

25. SEIKO Men's SNK809 5 Automatic Stainless Steel Watch with Black Canvas Strap


Display: Analog

Material: Stainless steel

Water resistance: 30 meters

Features: Bright luminescent hands

  • Impressive battery life
  • Readable dial
  • Superb build quality
  • Some users find the design rough and uncomfortable

When you’re looking for a watch that blends elements of the classic pilot and rugged field aesthetics, look no further than the Seiko SNK809.

Its design exudes a military vibe, with dial markings reminiscent of traditional pilot watches.

The SNK809 is straightforward and unpretentious. It doesn’t try to be anything more than what it is — an accessible and affordable mechanical watch.

As an entry point into the world of mechanical timepieces, it offers exceptional value. It provides everything you need in a reliable, everyday watch without breaking the bank.

Hiker wearing a survival watch.

FAQs About The Best Survival Watches For Outdoor Adventures 

Is a watch useful for survival?

Yes, a watch is useful for survival in several ways. A watch does more than just tell time.

It often includes features such as a compass, altimeter, barometer, and thermometer that can help you navigate and make decisions in survival situations.

Some also have GPS functionality, which can be crucial for finding your way in unfamiliar terrain or sending your location to rescue teams in emergency situations.

Additionally, a watch can be used to measure time in various survival techniques, such as estimating distance or tracking your pace.

What watch do Navy SEALS have?

Navy SEALS often uses robust and reliable watches that can withstand harsh conditions.

The specific model can vary depending on personal preference and mission requirements.

However, popular choices include the Casio G-Shock and Luminox Navy SEAL watches due to their durability, water resistance, and range of useful features.

The Casio G-Shock watches are known for their shock resistance and comprehensive functionality while the Luminox Navy SEAL watches are designed with readability in mind.

It also features a unique illumination system that makes them easy to read in low light conditions, which is critical for military operations.

Military wearing a survival watch.

What watch can last a lifetime?

When it comes to a tactical watch that can last a lifetime, the Casio G-Shock Series is often the first that comes to mind.

Known for their rugged durability, G-Shock watches were engineered with the explicit purpose of resisting all sorts of mechanical shock and vibration. 

Another lifetime contender is the Luminox Navy SEAL Watch Series. These watches are built to withstand the challenging conditions faced by Navy SEALs in the field.

Luminox uses a Carbonox casing in some models, a carbon compound material that offers long-lasting durability without adding weight. 

Multiple survival watches.

Key Takeaways Of The Best Survival Watches

Packed with information that might just save your life in dire situations, survival watches are not a luxury, but a necessity.

They are your steadfast ally, designed for durability and functionality, and equipped with bonus survival features tailored to your journey’s demands.

Choosing the right survival watch is a personal decision. It should align with your needs, preferences, and the environments you’ll encounter.

But when faced with a life-or-death situation, having the right watch on your wrist can make all the difference.

Best Survival Gifts: 27 Must-Haves for Preppers

Best Survival Gifts: 27 Must-Haves for Preppers

Survival gifts are both thoughtful and practical, offering recipients the tools and knowledge they need to face unexpected challenges. With the rise of outdoor adventures and wilderness explorations, ensuring one has the right equipment becomes paramount.

Whether your recipients are avid outdoor enthusiasts, seasoned survivalists, or just starting their preparedness journey, our guide will help you discover the perfect survival gifts to ensure their safety and peace of mind.

We’ve got your back, compiling a list of the 27 best survival gifts and supply kits that no prepper should be without.

Young couple exchanging a gift outdoors.

What To Consider When Buying a Survival Gift

Gifts are a unique and considerate choice for those who love outdoor adventures, emergency preparedness, or simply appreciate the value of survival gear. Every survival gift selection requires attention to specific details to maximize its utility and impact.

Whether you’re shopping for a survival enthusiast or someone who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors, this buyer’s guide will help you make the right choice for a survival-themed gift.

Know Your Recipient

Knowing your recipient, whether a seasoned prepper or a camping newbie, can guide your gift choice. The likes of Bear Grylls have inspired many to embrace the wilderness, so tailor your gifts to suit their level of expertise.

Consider the recipient’s interests, level of expertise, and specific needs. Are they seasoned survivalist, outdoor enthusiast, or just beginning their journey?

A seasoned adventurer has different needs compared to a home-based survival enthusiast. Knowing this will help you choose the most suitable gifts from the vast array of survival gear available.

Photo of a young woman giving her friend survival gifts for his birthday.


The quality of survival gear can mean the difference between life and death in extreme situations. Renowned brands like LifeStraw or Gerber have set industry standards for reliable equipment.

Prioritizing premium, tested items ensures not just longevity but dependable performance in crises. Cheap or subpar items might not withstand the rigors of survival situations, so investing in quality gear is a wise choice.


Budgeting doesn’t mean compromising; it’s about finding the best value for your money. Some survival tools, like paracord bracelets, offer versatility without breaking the bank.

Set a budget and stick to it while considering the recipient’s needs. Survival gear can range from affordable to quite expensive. You can find excellent survival gifts at various price points, so don’t feel pressured to overspend.

Photo of a man holding a survival gift in a cabin next to a fireplace.

Categories of Survival Gifts

Survival gifts can be broadly categorized into several areas, and your choice should align with the recipient’s interests and needs. Here are some popular categories:

Outdoor Tools:

  • Multi-tools: Versatile and compact tools with various functions.

  • Survival knives: High-quality knives designed for wilderness use.

  • Fire-starting kits: Fire is crucial for warmth and cooking in survival situations.

  • Portable water purifiers: To ensure access to clean drinking water.
Photo of survival gifts at a campsite, including a tent, backpack, camp stove, water bottle, axe, cookware and bedroll.

Shelter and Clothing:

  • Compact tents or hammocks: For shelter in the wilderness.

  • Insulated clothing: To keep warm in cold environments.

  • Emergency blankets: Lightweight and reflective for heat retention.

Navigation and Communication:

  • GPS devices: To prevent getting lost.

  • Two-way radios: For communication in remote areas.

  • Signal mirrors and whistles: For signaling in emergencies.

Food and Cooking:

  • Compact stoves: For cooking and boiling water.

  • Freeze-dried meals: Lightweight and easy to store.

  • Portable water containers: For carrying water.
Photo of survival gifts for cooking.

First Aid and Medical Supplies:

  • Comprehensive first aid kits: Essential for treating injuries.

  • Prescription medications: If the recipient has specific medical needs.

  • Survival manuals: Books on wilderness first aid and survival techniques.


Consider Durability and Portability

Consider durability and portability to ensure the gift withstands the test of time and travel. Materials like aircraft-grade aluminum are both lightweight and resilient, ideal for survival tools.

Lightweight and compact items are also ideal for outdoor enthusiasts who need to carry their gear over long distances.


Personalization makes a gift unique, reflecting the recipient’s style and preferences. Engraved multitools or custom-designed survival kits add that special touch.

Gift Certificates

Gift cards or certificates to reputable survival stores offer flexibility, allowing the recipient to choose what fits their unique requirements. This option is ideal if you’re unsure about the recipient’s specific needs or preferences.

Girl opening one of the best survival gifts and supply kits.
Girl opening a survival gifts.

Here Are Our Picks For The 27 Best Survival Gifts And Supply Kits For 2023

From sleek, compact tools to all-encompassing kits, there’s a survival gift tailored to every preference and need. Here are our top picks below:

1. Bayite Ferro Rods XL Survival Fire Starter

Don’t get stuck in the backwoods on a cold and rainy night without this handy little life-saver. This thing creates a huge shower of hot sparks—up to 3000 degrees Celsius—and can be used about 12,000 times.

A staple for the serious prepper—this is perfect for bug out bags, get home bags, and gloveboxes.

It’s made from strong HSS steel, and even has a box cutter on the back for extra utility.

Also Great
2. Ready America 72 Hour Emergency Kit

A great gift for families and loved ones. The Ready America 72-Hour Emergency Kit has all the basic essential emergency supplies recommended by the American Red Cross in one convenient backpack. 

It’s a cheap and easy way to get started on a bug out bag.

Smaller than you might expect so you can bring it with you on a hike or just keep one in the car.

3. Kitgo Mini First Aid Kit

Don't let emergencies catch you off guard! Kitgo's 101-piece first aid kit is compact and organized to help you stay focused during a quick response. 

The kit includes lots of hospital-grade items for different emergencies. It also opens up easily to see what's inside and the waterproof case is easy to store.

4. Tact Bivvy 2.0 HeatEcho Emergency Sleeping Bag

If you want something to get you out of the elements, this will do the job. Warmth, comfort, and survival wrapped in one cozy package – that's the Survival Frog Tact Bivvy Emergency Sleeping Bag. 

Good news is even if you're on the taller side, this bag should fit you well. The whistle and the paracord are nice extras that can help when you need it.

5. Ryno Tuff 21W Lightweight Portable Solar Charger

A great gift for the avid camper, this is an awesome traveling solar panel to recharge your goodies. It folds out into a pretty large set of solar panels that you can place on top of a tent or on the back of a backpack while hiking. 

You can even use this at home and in emergencies. The canvas backing is very stout and durable and the panels charge the phones pretty quickly in direct sunlight.

1. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
  • Effective filtration for bacteria, parasites, and microplastics
  • No electricity or battery power required
  • Removes 99.9999% of bacteria and 99.9% of protozoa
  • Lightweight and portable design
  • No expiration date and lasts for years
  • Not suitable for filtering heavy metals or chemicals
  • Cleaning can be a bit challenging
7. Ankaka 6-in-1 Tactical Pen

An EDC that doubles as a pen? You might think of tactical pens as novelties but at this price tag, it makes a neat and functional gift. 

This tactical pen has more features than others out in the market.

The tools are durable enough for multiple uses and the carbide tip has the potential to do serious damage. Just don’t lose the pen cap.

8. SMART RSQ 37-in-1 Multitool Card

Compact and lightweight, it’s like a credit card knife on steroids. You and your friends will be surprised at how many tools fit in this tiny card. 

It fits in your pocket or wallet and is durable enough to handle most jobs.

Some of the tools are a little awkward to use but they’re just nice to have when you need it most.

9. Gear Aid 80692 Paracord

This is a very compact set that’s just the right size for an emergency go bag.

Depending on the color you choose, the material can be very reflective which can be useful for finding your rope or items quickly especially in low light.

Now you might think it’s a little expensive for just some 550 Paracord, but can you really put a price on life saving performance?

Streamlight 88065 Pro Tac HL-X 1 Tactical Flashlight

If you were looking to find one brand to use for self defense or just peering out in absolute darkness, this is the one. The super bright setting reaches way out into the dark to expose any threat. 

Low setting is good enough for basic use and the strobe setting is perfect for signaling on confusing the bad guy.

Just make sure to get extra batteries to keep them juiced up and ready. Did I mention that it's a 2-for-1?

Most Versatile
11. Fiskars Camping Axe XXS X5

If you have a friend that always has an itch to go out in the wilderness, get them one of theser.

Fiskars Camping Axes are easy to carry, sharp, and bright orange so you won’t misplace it.

Axes are great tools to always have on hand and, in general, very versatile and handy in a lot of survival scenarios. 

12. Katosca 3-Pcs Bottle Hanging Buckle Clip

It might make them look silly or goofy, but it’s a very convenient and hands free way to secure your bottle on you at all times.

Another great gift to remind that person to stay hydrated while always on the go.

Budget Pick
13. Coghlan's Emergency Camp Stove

During emergencies and natural disasters, sometimes one of the most comforting escapes from reality is a nice warm meal.

In those situations, just having a sip of hot tea or chocolate can be a blessing. But you'll need a stove to do that.

Coghlan's Emergency Camp Stove is simple, light and a very affordable gift. It should be an essential component to have in anyone's survival kit. 

Great for Families
14. Augason Farms Dehydrated and Freeze-Dried Fruit Variety Pail 25-Year Shelf Life

Need a gift for picky eaters? This tasty ensemble is perfect for those who crave a delicious and nutritious snack.

This dried fruit assortment comes with a Spiff-e-Whip Dessert Toppings for dipping and desserts. So it comes with a little something for everyone to love! 

The price tag might be up there, but it’s a small price to pay to help you stay sane and get a sense of normality even when SHTF.

The Ultimate Prepper's Survival Bible: 14 in 1

There are plenty of Prepper's Survival books out there to choose from, but this is a unique book that goes beyond the standards of gathering food, water, shelter, and self-defense. 

It also gives instructions on keeping your mental health in a good place in times of crisis.

This is a good jumping-off point and a reliable reference guide for different levels of preppers.

16. WaterStorageCube BPA-Free Collapsible Water Container with Spigot

This container is a must-have for a hurricane supply or general emergency kit. It will also make a great gift for friends in tornado and hurricane-prone areas. 

Since it’s collapsible, they’ll be out of the way in storage. Still, they’re genuine life savers when needed.

A few 5-gallon tanks should last for days, if not weeks. 

17. Zitahli Slim RFID-Blocking Wallet for Men

A good solid wallet with a smart, slim design. This is what you get someone that’s already ready for pretty much everything.

While a lot of us are worried about surviving the future, sometimes we forget about surviving the present. RFID security goes a long way when avoiding scams.

And at worst, this wallet will make a good, fashionable storage piece to keep important photos and ID’s in your Bug-out Bag.

18. Esky Emergency Hand Crank Radio With 3-LED Flashlight

If you’re on a budget, this is a very useful and affordable gift idea. They’ll be glad to have this radio when SHTF. 

The Esky Emergency Hand Crank Radio's three charging modes means it’ll always have power when you need it.

It’s also about the size of a phone, so it won’t take up much room in storage.

16. Gerber Gear Suspension-NXT 15-in-1 Multitool

Brand: Gerber Gear

Materials: Stainless steel

Colors: Stainless steel

No. of Tools: 15

Weight:‎ 6.7 ounces

Length: 4.25 inches

Thickness: 1 inch

  • Slim design fits comfortably in a pocket
  • Durable build
  • Excellent safety features
  • Tools may have some play, and the handles may not align perfectly when closing
20. Morakniv Garberg Carbon Steel Full-Tang Fixed-Blade Survival Knife

A knife is a no-brainer survival tool. So if your buddy doesn’t have one yet, consider getting him this Morakniv knife.

At $90 as of writing, I’m sure you can get a cheaper knife but don’t expect the same quality and durability as this one. 

21. SUUNTO A-10 NH Compass

No adventurer should hit the road without this trusty compass.

It's tough, easy to use, and perfect for exploring the Northern Hemisphere.

The base plate design is good for map reading, and it's so lightweight you'll forget it's even there. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to you.  

22. Potable Aqua Water Purification Tablets

These lifesaving tablets are a must-have for that questionable water supply.

The jars are small and take up very little space, so they’re easy to take with you to just about anywhere.

And at its price point, this is a steal.

23. EMDMAK Door Stop Alarm With 120DB Siren

It’s almost impossible to keep watch of your house 24/7. But this door-stop alarm offers a cheaper alternative to expensive alarm systems. 

EMDMAK Door Stop alarm will alert you and your loved ones from potential intruders even while sleeping.

The loud 120DB siren can also be enough to deter the bad guy from trying anything sneaky.

24. Augason Farms Vegetable Garden Seeds

Having your own garden bed is a great way to approach food security in serious emergencies. It can also be a therapeutic way to keep your head sharp in an apocalyptic scenario.

If you have a friend that likes growing their food, this seed pack's got 13 non-hybrid, non-GMO varieties, ready to sprout over 2300 pounds of fresh veggies.

With a crazy long storage life, that means you can keep the garden going for a long time.

25. NutriChef Automatic Vacuum Air Sealing System

This one’s a game-changer when it comes to preserving grub for the long haul.

Just think about all those emergency food cook-ups, hassle-free and ready to roll.

Plus, it’s lightweight, easy to use, and comes with reusable, waterproof bags.

26. BioLite CampStove 2 (2020 Model)

A great gift for the person who's always on the go. The BioLite Campstove is a lightweight, efficient way to cook in the wild. 

With a 2600-mAh internal battery, it’s like a portable power station powered by fire.

It's a great addition to have in your car, the bug out bag, or as a staple with your camping gear.

27. SUPRUS Electric Lighter with Upgraded LED Battery Display Safety

Are you tired of fumbling and burning your fingers with traditional lighters?

This electric lighter is so fun and easy to use. You’ll be lighting candles everywhere. 

It’s a convenient, easy-to-use lighter that will work even in the windiest conditions. 

FAQs About The Best Survival Gifts And Supply Kits For Preppers  

What are the top 10 survival items?

The top 10 survival items include the following:

Happy young lady opening a survival gift for best survival gifts and supply kits

What should you bring for survival?

You should bring essentials such as water, food, shelter, clothing, and a first aid kit. You also need a reliable method to start a fire, a means of communication, and tools for navigation and self-defense.

What do you get someone who lives off the grid?

For someone who lives off the grid, consider gifts that enhance their self-sufficiency and independence. Items like solar chargers, water filters, gardening tools, long-lasting LED lanterns, dehydrated or freeze-dried foods, and water storage containers are also appreciated.

Off the grid cabin tucked in the middle of the woods.

Wrap Up On The Best Survival Gifts And Supply Kits

As 2023 rolls around, survival gifts stand out as thoughtful, practical options. From understanding your recipient’s needs to ensuring quality, this guide lays down the roadmap to making an informed choice.

Take action now and gift your friends and family the tools they need to survive. By equipping them with the essential survival gear on this list, you’re not only showing them you care but also ensuring they have a fighting chance.

The truth is, disasters strike without warning, and the only thing we can do is prepare ourselves and those we care about.

Think about the gratitude and relief they’ll feel when they’re able to stay warm, hydrated, and safe in the face of adversity, all thanks to your thoughtful gift. And who knows? Your gift might just be the difference between life and death. 

Photo of survival gifts wrapped up at a campsite.

Pro Tip: Everyone loves to be on the receiving end of a gift. Any of these survival gifts you choose from this list will be appreciated and put to good use. Don’t stress and just go for it.

A few of my favorite gifts we have received in the past are a cold weather tent and sleeping bags. These are great for camping or in a SHTF situation. Any survival gear that can be used for everyday tasks and as an addition to your survival gear is what I enjoy the most because I feel like I get more use out of it.

What are some of your favorite gifts to receive or give? Let us know in the comments below.

11 Best Self-Defense Keychains For Personal Safety

11 Best Self-Defense Keychains For Personal Safety

Self-defense keychains are your on-the-go solution for personal safety due to their compactness and efficacy, especially when navigating through unfamiliar or unsafe environments.

Enhanced with features like pepper spray and alarms, these keychains serve as your immediate line of defense.

Discover the top 11 self-defense keychains for emergency preparedness—your ultimate guide to staying armed and ready wherever you go.

Photo of a self-defense keychain of pepper spray

In This Guide

Our Top 3 Picks

What Is a Self-Defense Keychain?

A self-defense keychain is a compact device designed for personal protection such as a kubotan or pepper spray. Its compact design enables easy storage and quick accessibility. It typically has a built-in tool or weapon that you can use to defend yourself in case of an attack, making it a key tool in your survival gear.

Photo of one type of self-defense keychains.

The 11 Best Self-Defense Keychains for Personal Safety in 2023

Choosing from the extensive selection of self-defense keychains might overwhelm you. However, focusing on effectiveness and practicality will guide you to an informed decision.

We’ve curated the 11 best self-defense keychains for your personal safety in 2023. This list includes a variety of types to suit different preferences and legal restrictions.

Budget Pick
1. SABRE Pepper Spray, Quick Release Keychain
  • Quick-release design
  • Sprays strong and far
  • Small and easy to hide
  • Twist-lock design may get loose

The SABRE Pepper Spray is a popular choice on Amazon. Its quick-release keychain design makes it easily accessible, while its maximum police strength formula provides a powerful defense against potential attackers.

It features a powerful pepper spray formula that can disable an attacker from up to 10 feet away, providing time for escape. This pepper spray is compact enough to fit comfortably on your keychain, making it an ideal choice for on-the-go protection.

2. She’s Birdie 130dB Siren and Light Keychain
  • Loud alarm can easily draw attention
  • Lightweight and discreet
  • Easy to use
  • Stylish design
  • Only for scaring attackers

The She’s Birdie Personal Safety Alarm is specifically designed for women. These keychains have a loud alarm that you can activate easily. It also features a handy LED flashlight for added visibility in dark environments.

This keychain alarm is discreet — you can attach it to your keychain, purse, or backpack. Its loud 130dB siren can be heard up to 300 feet away, alerting those nearby that you need help. The alarm is loud enough to draw attention and scare off potential attackers, making it an effective tool for personal safety.

Also Great
3. SABRE Pepper Spray and Stun Gun Multi-Range Protection Pack
  • Small and compact
  • Good value pack
  • Easy to put hide and put away
  • Stun gun needs frequent recharging

The SABER Self-Defense Kit is an excellent choice for those who want a more comprehensive solution. This tool includes pepper spray and a stun gun flashlight, providing two powerful tools for personal protection.

It’s easy to hold in hand and comfortable and easy to carry.For convenience, the stun gun flashlight features a high-powered LED light and a built-in rechargeable battery.

The Thopeb Personal Alarm is a compact keychain alarm you can activate by pulling the pin. With a loud 125dB alarm, this device claims to be heard from up to 1000 feet away — enough to attract attention and deter potential attackers.

This keychain is also equipped with an LED light, making it a useful tool for everyday use. This device is designed with durable, military-grade components and has a CR2032 battery for longevity.

This keychain accessory is designed to look ordinary, but it’s a powerful weapon. The kubaton is made of tough polymer material and has a simple design, allowing quick access to its pointed end, which can be used to strike an attacker.

The MUNIO Kubaton Safety Keychain is a discreet tool you can easily attach to your keychain. It’s discreet, made of durable, aircraft-grade aluminum, and available in various colors and patterns.

6. FIGHTSENSE Pepper Spray & 2-in-1 Stun Gun with Flashlight Self Defense Kit

The FIGHTSENSE Self Defense Kit includes two powerful tools for personal protection. The pepper spray can ward off attackers, while the stun gun can deliver a powerful shock that will incapacitate them.

The stun gun also includes a bright LED flashlight, making it a useful tool for everyday use. And, its compact size lets it easily attach to your keychain for quick emergency access.

  • Small and compact design
  • Strong taser
  • Easy to hold and use
  • Materials used feel cheap

The FIGHTSENSE Self-Defense Kit includes two powerful tools for personal protection. The pepper spray can ward off attackers, while the stun gun can deliver a powerful shock that will incapacitate them.

The stun gun also includes a bright LED flashlight, making it a useful tool for everyday use. And, its compact size lets it easily attach to your keychain for quick emergency access.

7. SABRE Pepper Spray Maximum Police Strength OC Spray Quick Release Keychain
  • Durable
  • Easy to use
  • Easy twist-lock design
  • Lightweight
  • Lock may come off easily

The SABRE Pepper Spray Maximum Police Strength Quick Release Keychain has a maximum strength formula designed to incapacitate attackers quickly.

It can disable an attacker from up to 10 feet away. Plus, its quick-release keychain feature ensures that it’s easily accessible in the event of an emergency.

8. Kaiyuan Dynasty Self Defense Metal Keychain 3-Pack
  • Sturdy and easy to carry
  • Ergonomic design
  • Can be used as a combat tool
  • Slim construction
  • Not for those with larger hands
  • Requires close contact

The Kaiyuan Dynasty Self-Defense Metal Keychain is a discreet and effective self-defense tool that looks harmless but can pack a powerful punch.

The metal keychain is made of solid aluminum and features a pointed end that can be used to strike attackers with force. It’s small enough to fit in your pocket or purse and safe to carry anywhere.

9. Stinger Personal Safety Emergency Keychain
  • Great 3-in-1 tool
  • Sharp and sturdy
  • Razor blade glass breaker tip
  • Compact and lightweight
  • Minimal alarm range

The Stinger Personal Safety Alarm Keychain is a powerful tool that emits a loud, ear-piercing siren to alert people nearby of danger and deter attackers. It’s easy to use. Activate the alarm quickly and easily with just a button, making it ideal for situations where time is of the essence.

The siren emits a 140dB alarm and includes a small LED light to make it easier to see in low-light conditions. It also has a razor-blade tip to cut through rope, belts, and seatbelts. And the pointed tip can break car window glasses and tempered glasses.

10. The Original Self Defense Siren Personal Safety Alarm
  • Water-resistant design
  • Small and discreet
  • 365-day battery life
  • Bright flashlight and loud noise
  • Could be louder
  • Only for scaring attackers

The Original Defense Siren is a portable device with a loud alarm that you can activate whenever you feel unsafe or threatened. Its loud 130dB siren can be heard up to 1000 feet away, alerting those nearby that you need help.

It’s a travel-friendly sized accessory you may attach to your keychain, purse, or backpack. It also features a handy LED flashlight for added visibility in dark environments.

11. Super Heavy Duty 35 Billion Mini Stun Gun With Bright LED Flashlight
  • Super bright flashlight
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to use
  • Plug-in charging feature
  • Plastic material feels cheap
  • Requires close contact

This self-defense accessory is incredibly compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry around in your purse or pocket. Despite its small size, the stun gun packs a powerful punch with a shocking voltage of 35 billion, making it an effective weapon to stop attackers.

The sleek design makes it easy to handle, and the textured grip ensures a firm hold. Another great feature is its LED flashlight, which comes in handy in low-light situations.

The bright flashlight can also be used as a signaling device in an emergency. This stun gun also has a rechargeable battery that can be conveniently plugged in for charging, making it not only easy to use but cost-effective over the long run.

Photo of pepper spray stashed in a car door.

Still trying to decide which self-defense keychains are best for you? If you’re looking into personal safety alarms, check out this comparison video. Overall, I think either one would be a great pick.

After careful consideration, I chose Stinger because it has multiple functions, it sounds a little bit louder, and the shape makes it fit nicely in my hand. It also feels sturdy, making me feel safer knowing I have this gadget with me in case of an emergency.

H/T to @ImpactDefense for their comparison video: BIRDIE VS STINGER

What To Look for When Choosing Self-Defense Keychains

To ensure that you’re investing in the right product, it’s crucial to understand the variables that distinguish one keychain from another. Functionality should be your topmost priority. Focus on features that match your lifestyle and safety concerns.

Here are some tips for choosing self-defense keychains that will fit your needs and preferences:

Types of Keychain

Each type of keychain boasts unique features and potential uses. Consider your comfort level with the type, as ease of use can make all the difference in an emergency.

Pepper Spray

Pepper spray keychains offer a non-lethal method to deter potential threats. Their easy-to-use design combined with their potent effect makes them a top choice for many.

These keychains can incapacitate an attacker quickly and typically have a small canister of pepper spray attached to them, making them easy to use and carry around. But remember, if you choose to use pepper spray, it’s essential to learn how to use it properly.

When choosing a keychain pepper spray, look for a product with a high concentration of oleoresin capsicum (OC) and a range of at least 10 feet.

Personal Alarm

Personal alarm keychains emit loud sounds to attract attention and ward off attackers. Their noise level can be startling enough to provide you a window of escape.

A keychain alarm is an excellent option for people who want a loud, attention-grabbing safety device. Some keychain alarms also feature a built-in flashlight or pepper spray.


Kubotans are self- defense tools used for striking and are made of hard materials such as metal or plastic and feature ridges that can cause pain when used to strike an attacker. It works by hitting the attacker with its pressurized head. When used effectively, they can neutralize threats, allowing you a chance to retreat to safety.

Knives/ Razors

Knives or razors attached to keychains can be both a tool and a defense mechanism. Their sharpness and compactness can be advantageous if used correctly.

Examples include foldable knives, razor blades, credit card knives, cat-shaped keychains, and more. These usually come in discreet designs, are safe to carry around, and the blades are easily accessible when needed.

Photo of a woman using pepper spray.

Size and Weight

Size and weight impact a self-defense keychain’s portability and ease of use. Portability is essential for everyday carry, whether in your purse or pocket. Choose a lightweight, easy-to-carry keychain but not so small that it can’t be easily accessed in an emergency.

Legal Considerations

Though self-defense is a fundamental right, specific legal constraints govern the usage and possession of certain self-defense keychain types. Being informed about the regulations in your jurisdiction can prevent inadvertent legal complications.

State laws may restrict the use of certain types, such as knives or concealed weapons. Ignorance of the law is not a defense, so familiarize yourself with local and state regulations.

It’s important to check the laws in your area regarding using self-defense keychains. Some types may not be legal to carry in certain locations or require a permit.

Tips for Using Self-Defense Keychains

As you consider integrating a one of these tools into your daily routine, understanding its mechanics, potential scenarios, and tactical nuances becomes crucial. Let’s delve into some invaluable tips to maximize its efficacy and ensure user confidence.

  • Practice, practice, practice. Familiarize yourself with the keychain and its features before you need to use it in an emergency.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. Stay alert and aware of potential threats, and try to avoid dangerous situations whenever possible.

  • If you feel unsafe or threatened, remove yourself from the situation as quickly as possible. The keychain should be used as a last resort to defend yourself.

  • If you need to use the keychain, aim for sensitive areas such as the eyes, nose, or throat. It’s important to aim for these areas to maximize the impact and effectiveness of the keychain.

The legality of self-defense keychains varies from state to state. State regulations dictate what types are permissible for public carry. Failure to comply can result in fines or, in extreme cases, criminal charges. It’s important to research and understand your area’s laws before purchasing keychain weapons.

Choosing a non-lethal self-defense option, such as pepper spray or an alarm, can be an effective way to protect yourself without causing permanent harm to an attacker. These options are also often legal to carry in most states.

Also, it’s crucial to use these keychains responsibly and only in situations where self-defense is necessary.

How Should I Use a Self-Defense Keychain?

You should master the function of your keychain to ensure you’re prepared when the need arises. Practice makes perfect, so spend time familiarizing yourself with its features and how to use them. Always use the keychain following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Self-defense keychains require preparation, practice, and a level head in a dangerous situation.

Young lady preparing to use pepper spray, one of the best self defense keychains.

Can Anyone Use Self-Defense Keychains?

Self-defense keychains are versatile tools that can be used by almost anyone. Its versatility extends to users of various ages, physical abilities, and legal statuses. Specialized designs cater to specific user groups, such as women, seniors, and college students.

However, it’s important to remember that self-defense tools are only effective if you know how to use them properly and are willing to use them if necessary.

Key Takeaways of Best Self-Defense Keychains

These are some of the best self-defense keychains that are a simple and effective way to increase your safety when you’re on the go. Remember, personal safety is a top priority, and investing in the right pocket-sized self-defense tool can give you peace of mind.

By choosing the right one for your needs and learning how to use it, you can feel more confident and prepared in an emergency. 

Pro Tip: I have always carried some type of a personal safety device from pepper spray at the park with my kids to a knife at a soccer game or grocery store. Any of these make a great options, but In my opinion the most important thing to remember is always be aware of your surroundings.

With all of the distractions in this day and age, being aware of what is going on around you can be a crucial step in avoiding a dangerous situations. 

15 Best Emergency Candles For Survival: Buying Guide

15 Best Emergency Candles For Survival: Buying Guide

When it comes to the best survival candles, few items can rival their importance in crisis situations, such as cold weather and unexpected power outages. These specialized candles, including renowned products like the UCO candle lantern and beeswax candles, ensure reliable light and warmth during unexpected emergencies.

You might think of flashlights or emergency lighting as your go-to solution, but remember, they depend on batteries or external power sources. And in a crisis, you can’t afford to waste precious energy on short-term fixes.

That’s where the best emergency candles come into play.

For centuries, candles have illuminated our homes, guided travelers through the night, and played essential roles in religious ceremonies. They’re a staple in any survival kit, thanks to their simplicity, affordability, and ease of use.

Let’s take a look at these top 15 emergency candles that could make all the difference in a survival situation.

A family sitting around an emergency  light.

Our Top Picks For The Best Emergency Candles For Survival

When disaster strikes, having the right emergency candles can be a game-changer. Our curated list includes options like beeswax candles, renowned for their prolonged burn time.

In This Guide

A variety of some of the best emergency candles.

The 15 Best Emergency Candles For Survival

The best emergency candles offer a blend of longevity, safety, and utility. Here are the top 15 candles on our list.

1. UCO Original Candle Lantern
  • Lightweight, portable, and windproof design
  • Mess-free use
  • Longer than advertised candle burns
  • Newer versions are made in China quality

This candle is your lightweight, collapsible, and windproof solution to brighten campsites and backyards. It offers up to 9 hours of natural light and cozy heat (per candle). You can also watch the remaining burn time through the lantern’s side viewing slot.

Use this candle set to help keep your tent warm without the risks of fires. It also emits the right amount of light so you can see around your shelter without drawing too much attention to yourself at night.

2. Stansport 3-Wick Survival Candle
  • Perfect for Smaller Bugout Bugs
  • Provides a good amount of light with all three wicks burning
  • Easy to handle
  • Not recommended for indoor use

Tailor this candle to your needs by using one, two, or all three wicks for maximum illumination and warmth. Housed in a sturdy metal case and made from paraffin wax, the Stansport Survival Candle is designed to be with you where ever you go.

3. Best Glide ASE Adventurer Pocket Survival Candle
  • Beautiful, pleasant smelling burn
  • Long burn times
  • Ideal for power outages
  • Heavier than similar sized candles

Proudly made in the USA, this all-natural beeswax candle has three pure cotton candle wicks. Each candle is housed in a sturdy, reusable tin and can easily be in your pocket.

Compared to traditional paraffin wax candles, beeswax burns brighter, hotter, cleaner, and longer. Since it releases negative ions that purify the air, it makes a great candle option for those with asthma and allergies.

4. EXOTAC - CandleTIN
  • True nano-sized, compact tin candle
  • Works great as a fire starter when cold or windy
  • Burns clean
  • Almost too small for practical use
  • A bit pricey

Proudly designed, forged, and hand-finished in the USA, the EXOTAC CandleTIN is a reliable and stylish addition to your emergency preparedness kit. Get 1 hour burn time with all three wicks or up to 6 hours with 1 wick.

This is a true nano candle that you can tuck away in a first aid kit. In case you ever need to cook, you’ll be able to boil water with this nano candle in under 18 minutes. Not amazing, but can be life-saving.

Also Great
5. Stonebriar 100 Pack Unscented Tea Light Candles
  • Unscented, clean burn for up to 7 hours
  • Up to twice the size of other tea light candles
  • Very affordable, great value
  • Difficult to relight after first use

These long-burning white tea lights come neatly shrink-wrapped in a protective storage box ready to use. These are lightweight, compact, and ideal for packing in your bag for emergencies.

Thanks to its European-made, high-quality craftsmanship, you can enjoy a safe and extended burn time of 6 to 7 hours per candle. That’s up to 700-hours of light per box if your really crafty with your use.

6. UCO Unisex's Mini Candle Lantern Kit 2.0
  • Backed by a Lifetime Warranty
  • Windproof design
  • Will work with any tea light candle
  • Lid gets very hot and can burn you

The Mini Candle Lantern Kit features a lightweight, durable aluminum body with a powder-coated finish for a durable build. It’s also compatible with all varieties of tea light candles. Plus, the twist-lock vented base makes swapping candles a breeze.

Thanks to a well-built candle hanger, you can secure your light source just about anywhere. Like the larger UCO lantern, this tea light candle lantern makes it so you can get good lighting even in unfavorable weather.

Budget Pick
7. SE Survivor Series 3-Wick 36-Hour Emergency Candle
  • Long, bright burns with all 3 wicks
  • Reliable relight every time
  • Works exactly as promised
  • Very heavy

Bring a sense of safety to your home during a power outage. These emergency candles burn bright and for a long time. The price is hard to beat, specially when it comes to how reliable this candle works after each relight.

Although these emergency candles are vegetable wax, they still burn relatively clean compared to other tin can candles on the market. Just make sure not to move them around so much so you don’t spill the wax all over the place.

8. Coghlan's 36-Hour Survival Candle
  • Good ambient light with 1 wick, bright light with 3 wicks
  • Decent, usable heat
  • Leak proof container
  • Bigger than usual tin can candles

If you ever find yourself in a bind, these are the perfect grab-and-go candles. They’re great candles to include in your bug outs and emergency kits, It’s easy to carry around and takes up very little space in your pack.

Some emergency candles can be difficult to light, especially without packing a proper lighter. However, these come with three matches to help you get started.

9. UCO 12-Hour Natural Beeswax Candles
  • Cleans air while burning
  • Long clean burn makes it perfect for camping
  • Made in the U.S.
  • Pricier than traditional wax candles
  • Melts down quickly

Keep your house bright for days with these mess-free bees wax candles. Although made specifically for UCO lanterns, these pillar candles work well enough as a stand-alone and will last a long time.

They’re odorless but sometimes emit a honey-oat-like scent that can be pretty relaxing. If you have family members with asthma or sensitive allergies, these are the candles to go to.

10. Stonebriar 35-Hour Long Burning Candle
  • It can last up to 48hrs when used properly
  • Classy, inexpensive candles
  • Odorless burn
  • Burns weird
  • Leaves a lot of wax

If all you need is a candle that can light a room and burn for a long time, these emergency candles are the way to go. They are classy enough to be used for decorations around the house, but burn long enough to help you see through the darkest of nights.

They’re also odorless, so you don’t have to worry about breathing in that nasty soot cheaper candles might have. Just make sure to trim down the wick a little bit if you’re looking to get the most out of these candles.

11. SDS Liquid Oil Candles
  • Long burning at more than 100 hours
  • Compact design
  • Wax doesn't leak
  • Foul smell
  • Wicks are short

These long-lasting candles offer 115 hours of burn time, providing peace of mind during power outages or outdoor adventures. Made from liquid paraffin, these candles are smokeless, odorless, and soot-free, ensuring a mess-free experience.

These candles are produced with safety in mind, featuring a plastic container and screw-top lid to prevent evaporation and spills. With 345 hours of light across three candles, these long-lasting oil votives are a must-have for any home or emergency kit.

12. BOLSIUS White Household Candles Bulk Pack 45 Count
  • Dripless
  • No black smoke
  • Long burn time
  • Doesn't stay put in the candle holder

This 45-bulk pack of emergency candles is non-drip and designed for extended burning. So you can get a consistent flame and more wax than tapered candles. They also offer a clean and hassle-free experience.

BOLSIUS’ features high-grade wax that ensures a slow burn for up to 7 hours. They’re versatile, and aside from emergencies, you can even use them for different occasions.

13. Ner Mitzvah 9 Day Yartzeit Candles
  • Long burn time of more than 200 hours
  • Slightly fatter than other candles and won't break easily
  • Encased in a plastic container for added protection
  • Poor quality wicks
  • Soft light

Enjoy 216 hours of burn time with these premium quality, 100% vegetable oil wax candles. These are crafted in Europe for a slow-melting, soft glow.

It features a safe, elegant plastic holder that ensures the flame stays contained. These also help reduce the risk of accidental fires. The free-standing design allows placement on any surface without needing a tray, cup, or candlestick.

14. Candlelife Emergency Survival Candle
  • Long burning time of more than 3 days
  • Smokeless and odorless
  • Clean and easy to use
  • Plastic packaging is thin

With a total burn time of 115 hours per candle, this set of six provides a whopping 690 hours of reliable light. Crafted from pure liquid paraffin, you can expect a long-lasting, soot-free burn, safe for indoor use.

Worried about indoor use? Fear not! These candles are 100% smoke and odor-free, ideal for blackouts. Plus, their lightweight design ensures easy portability and hassle-free storage.

And if you’re not thrilled with these candles, the company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

15. Bluecorn Beeswax 100% Beeswax Pillar Candle
  • Long burning time of more than 100+ hours
  • Emits a light honey scent
  • Durable and natural candles
  • Wicks can be hard to light

Bluecorn Beeswax pillar candles are always free of all the nasty stuff like paraffin, soy, chemical fragrances, and metal-core wicks. That means you can enjoy a clean-burning and non-toxic experience, which is great for your indoor air quality.

Plus, their 4×4-inch emergency candles boast an impressive 120-hour burn time, so you can have a reliable light source during a power outage. These candles use lightly filtered beeswax and carefully chosen wicks, so you don’t have to worry about clogging or tunneling.

And the best part? The process keeps the natural color and sweet honey aroma of raw beeswax, so they’ll look beautiful in your space and smell amazing.

Family using an an emergency can

What Makes A Great Survival Candle?

A good survival candle — like the revered beeswax candles or the efficient slow-burning varieties — is defined by its durability, consistent burn time, and resistance to environmental challenges, ensuring it delivers light and warmth when they matter most.

The best emergency candles offer light and warmth during disasters or power outages. Their high-quality wax and wick prevent flickering, ensuring steady illumination. These candles are dripless, avoiding wax spills and messes.

Additionally, their slow-burning nature provides reliable light for extended periods.

Emergency Uses Of Candles

While primarily a source of light, survival candles serve myriad emergency purposes. Their primary role—providing illumination—is obvious but vital.

Providing Light During Power Outages

Power outages can plunge spaces into darkness, but survival candles ensure consistent illumination. A double wick design enhances the brightness, making it easier to navigate dark spaces. These can also help you navigate your surroundings and perform tasks in the dark.

Cooking and Heating Food

Cooking and heating canned food or water for beverages is another role these candles can play. A high melt point ensures that the flame stays consistent and effective. This is essential so you can have access to hot meals during emergencies.

Starting a Fire

Starting fires becomes simplified with the right survival candle at hand. The presence of a sturdy wick is crucial for this application. Candles can act as a convenient fire starter for igniting kindling or tinder, making it easier to build a larger fire for warmth and cooking.

Signaling for Help

Signaling for help can be accomplished with a brightly colored or scented candle. Smoke signals are another effective method for drawing attention. You can see the flicker of a candle from a distance. So candles make a useful tool for signaling your location to rescuers or other survivors.

Melting Snow for Drinking Water

Melting snow for drinking water is another survival use for these candles. The candle’s steady flame allows snow to melt quickly. Candles can help you get a critical source of drinking water when other sources are scarce in cold climates.

Keeping Warm

In freezing conditions, a survival candle’s warmth can be life-saving. Scented varieties can add a comforting touch, though unscented ones are safer for prolonged use. Combining them with a Mylar blanket can help retain body heat so you can get optimal warmth.

Although not a primary heat source, candles can produce a small amount of warmth, making them helpful for maintaining body temperature during cold weather emergencies.

A variety of some of the best emergency candles.

Types Of Candles

Types of candles range from beeswax and soy to paraffin and gel-based. Each type has its own pros and cons, with beeswax leading in eco-friendliness.

How you use the candle will also affect the type of candle you buy. Not all candles are made the same, so here are the different types of candles you need to be familiar with:

  • Taper candles: Tall, slender candles used for elegant lighting in non-emergency situations.

  • Pillar candles: Thick, free-standing candles that provide extended burn time and stability.

  • Votive candles: Small, cylindrical candles typically used with a holder. It offers a balance between burn time and portability.

  • Container candles: Self-contained candles encased in a jar or tin. These offer added safety features.

  • Beeswax survival candles: Made from natural beeswax, these are traditional wax candles that are eco-friendly, have a pleasant scent, and burn cleanly.

  • Soy candles: Made from soybean oil, these candles are renewable and produce less soot than paraffin candles.

  • Slow-burning candles: Designed for long-lasting use, these candles have extended burn times for emergency situations.

Tips For Safer And Longer Burns

  • Never leave a lighted candle unattended

  • Trim the wick before burning

  • Use a proper candle holder or lamp

  • Place the candle on a flat, even surface

  • Keep survival candles away from drafts and anything that can catch fire

  • Keep the candles out of reach of children and pets

FAQ About Best Emergency Candles For Survival

What are the longest lasting candles for light?

The longest lasting candles for light are typically slow-burning candles made from Beeswax or soy.

These materials burn slower and cleaner, providing extended burn times for continuous illumination during emergencies.


What are the best candles for survival heat?

The best candles for survival heat are those with multiple wicks, as they generate more heat when lit simultaneously.

Examples are candles that provide adjustable heat output and longer burn times, suitable for emergencies.

What is the safest candle to use?

The safest candles to use are container candles, as they come in self-contained jars or tins that help prevent accidents.

Additionally, candles made from eco-friendly and clean-burning materials, like beeswax or soy, produce less soot and toxic emissions, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and fire hazards.

Key Takeaways: Stock Up On Some Emergency Candles Now!

Stocking up on emergency candles now is a wise investment for future safety. Look for those with a long shelf life and multiple utility features.

By familiarizing yourself with the different types of candles, their applications, and the factors to consider when purchasing, you’ll be better equipped to face life’s challenges head-on.

Dependable emergency candles not only offers light and warmth but can also provide a sense of security and comfort during times of crisis.

So, don’t leave your survival to chance—ensure you have the perfect candle in your survival kit, ready to guide you through the darkest hours.

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