DISCLAIMER: The content of this article is for informational and educational purposes only. It is intended to promote understanding and knowledge of various survival methods and strategies, not to encourage violence or illegal activities. The DIY homemade survival weapons discussed are meant for use in true survival situations where traditional forms of protection are not available.
Remember that misuse of these homemade survival weapons could result in harm, injury, or legal troubles. Always check your local laws regarding the creation and possession of homemade weapons. These tools should only be used responsibly, and in a manner consistent with self-defense and survival scenarios.
Never attempt to use these weapons against another person in a non-life-threatening situation. We strongly advocate for peaceful conflict resolution and respect for all human life. Safety and ethics should always be your top priority when dealing with survival situations. Always use your best judgment and act within your local laws and regulations.
We are not responsible for any harm or damage caused by the creation or use of these DIY weapons. It is your responsibility to ensure safety and legality in your actions.

DIY survival weapons are not just a cornerstone of survivalism; they’re a testament to human ingenuity. This guide doesn’t just arm you with tools, but with knowledge—your most vital survival gear.
What if the world has gone off the rails, and pandemonium is the new norm? In these dire times, having the right tools at your disposal can determine whether you and your family survive or succumb to the chaos.
That’s where our collection of 36 DIY homemade survival weapons come into play — giving you the edge you need to navigate the apocalypse.
The best part? These homemade survival weapons are not only effective, but they can also be crafted using everyday items you probably have lying around your home or garage.
Because when society crumbles and the chips are down, the only person you can truly rely on to safeguard you and your loved ones is a well-prepared survivor—like yourself.
So, let’s dive into this roundup and get ready to face the end of days, armed with an arsenal of DIY homemade survival weapons.

In This Guide

Don’t Get Caught Off Guard
Never let your guard down; in a survival situation, awareness is your first line of defense. I always try to have something on me for personal defense. But you never know when things will go south. A quiet city or neighborhood can easily be enveloped in riots.
The government could decide to lock us down again. Heck, people get robbed inside their homes all the time. You never know where and when you might get caught out.
The key takeaway here is anything can become a household weapon. A fire extinguisher, a baseball bat, and a wood handle was broken the right way — these things can help you fend off an attacker when you don’t have your primary on you.
Be Prepared By Thinking Creatively
Creativity in weapon-making expands your survival toolkit and options. As I’ve said earlier, regular household items can easily be weapons in the right hands. But having that ability to think creatively is indispensable to survival.
It’s easy to put a knife at the end of a pole and call it a spear. But I would much rather bet my life on the guy who can make that same spear with a piece of wood and scrap metal from the dumpster.
Try to train your mind to look beyond the obvious. I’m not out here saying use a homemade shotgun instead of your primary firearm. But be the guy that can break all your guns, run out of ammo, and still have something to shoot with.
Another thing to keep in mind is, in a true SHTF scenario, any weapon you can make, you can use to barter with other survivors. That might come in handy in case you run out of certain supplies.

Train Using Your Homemade Survival Weapons
Mastering your DIY weapons ensures they’re more than just showpieces—they become extensions of your survival instinct. So if possible, train with your chosen weapon. This will give you confidence in making and using them in any situation.
Some of the weapons below can be aimed or thrown. You need to hone in these skills similar to shooting your gun to improve your accuracy. The best way to do this is through repetitive practice.
DIY Homemade Survival Weapons: 36 Weapons You Can Make At Home
Discover 36 versatile DIY survival weapons you can craft from household items. You should be able to make almost every weapon on this list with junk or items lying around your house. Any material you need to buy should be extremely affordable.
But if you want to be extra thrifty, you can probably find some of the materials outside or while dumpster diving.
Disclaimer: Some of the items on this list can be dangerous and might even be illegal in some states. You should check your state laws before making or using them.
1. DIY Pipe Shotgun
A DIY Pipe Shotgun has a metal piping that serves as your main component, solidifying its usability. You probably know this as a slam fire shotgun, but this DIY pipe shotgun is your go-to buddy for close-range protection. It’s powerful, easy to assemble, and perfect for anyone needing quick, reliable defense.
Check out this video to give you an idea of how your shotgun will work and how to assemble it at the end.
H/T @PlastikGatz
2. Spiked Nail Bat
Clubs are spiked nail bats that are primitive but potent. Nails provide the teeth, and the bat serves as the body in this simple yet ferocious tool.
Sure a regular hammer or aluminum bat can do the job. But there’s just something intimidatingly scary about a spiked bat. It’s a great go-to weapon for a zombie apocalypse.
There are many versions of a spiked nail bat. The style, design, and accessories will depend on what kind of damage you’re looking to do.
H/T @loadedforbear9290
3. Flamethrower
A DIY flamethrower offers range and power, transforming gasoline and a metal tube into a fire-spewing mechanism. Flamethrowers are great for starting fires or burning out enemies off trenches. It’s a nice weapon that can get you out of a pinch.
I will show you two ways you can make a flamethrower at home.
All you need is a lighter and a can of aerosol. You can check it out below:
H/T @ModernRogue
But there’s a really easy way to make a “legit” flamethrower with some serious power and range.
H/T @TheKingofRandom
4. PVC Bow and Arrow
The PVC bow and arrow exemplify resourcefulness using a PVC pipe and string to make this classic long-range weapon.
Way before guns were invented, bows were the primary ranged weapon of choice. The fact that it’s still around today shows how effective a hunting weapon is.
In a survival scenario, I suggest creating a real wooden bow or even a half-decent plywood bow.
H/T @BackyardBowyer
5. Rebar Tomohawk
The Rebar Tomahawk combines aerodynamics and heft. It uses rebar and wood for throwing or hand-to-hand combat.
Tomohawks are one of the most versatile, time-tested survival tools you can have. Use it for chopping wood, building out your shelter and trench, hurling and hunting, or close-quarter combat.
If you can’t find rebar, you can use any thick piece of metal, like a pipe wrench.
You would probably use it to make other weapons as well.
Make this Rebax Tomohawk at home:
6. Spike Pit Booby Trap
The Spike pit booby trap is defense in landscape form. Wood spikes and camouflage make it an environmental snare. These booby traps were the nightmares of GIs during the Vietnam War. Known as punji traps in Vietnam, up to 11% of fatalities during the war were because of these nasty buggers.
Spike Pit Booby traps are cheap and easy to construct. Perfect for perimeter defense and trapping unfortunate animals.
- Sticks, nails, glass (sharp pointy objects, for defense, the rustier, the better)
- Leaves surrounding vegetation for camouflage.
- Bamboo or plywood (for cover)
How to Make a DIY Spike Pit Booby Trap
Making Spike pit booby traps is as straightforward as it sounds.
- Find strategic locations where intruders might pass, like a trail or false entryway.
2. Grab a sturdy stick or shovel and dig a hole with steep sides, at least 2 to 3 feet deep.
3. Search for solid and straight sticks and sharpen the ends with a knife. If you have long metal nails or broken glass bottles, they also work.
4. Arrange the sharpened sticks at the bottom of the pit, pointing upwards.
5. Gently cover the hole with very thin plywood or bamboo.
6. Camouflage the cover with branches, leaves, and other natural materials to blend it with the surroundings.
IMPORTANT: Mark the trap location on a map or with a discreet sign to avoid accidents.
Need more ideas? Check out some of these Vietnam War Punji Traps.
H/T @AdySetyawan
7. DIY Pepper Spray
DIY Pepper Spray adds a non-lethal, blinding option to your arsenal. You only need capsicum and a spray bottle. Pepper spray works as a great backup in situations where you can’t get access to more intimidating weapons when SHTF.
A potent spray in the face is enough to stop an animal or intruder in its tracks.
- Spray Bottle (pressurized spray bottles work best)
- Pepper (ghost pepper), pure capsaicin liquid, or chili powder (use this as your last option)
- Oil
- Alcohol
- Cheesecloth or coffee filter
This guy is crazy, but he explains how to make your own pepper spray pretty well.
H/T @CanadianPrepper
8. Plywood Bow
Another version of a bow, the Plywood Bow adds stability. Its rigidity complements the bowstring’s tension. If you live in a dense city with very few trees around, a plywood bow might be more practical for you to make.
You can find plywood just about everywhere, and with a little ingenuity, you can fashion a decent bow out of one.
- Paracord
- Plywood
- Wood glue
- Zip ties (optional)
Look at this brief video to learn how to make one at home. The trick is to layer your plywood to create enough draw weight without snapping your bow.
H/T @1stBurnmoorscouts
9. Survival Slingshot
The survival slingshot is a study of mechanical advantage. Elastic bands and a y-shaped frame make this weapon both simple and effective. Slingshots are perfect for hunting birds and small animals but also work well for protection and self-defense.
- Y-shaped branch (find one that fits well in your hand)
- Surgical tube
- Zip ties
- Optional: steel balls (these give your more consistent damage)
- Optional: slingshot bands (if you want something that lasts a long time)
Make this at home and teach your kids how to have fun and hone in on some simple survival skills.
H/T @BlackScoutSurvival
10. Bullwhip
A bullwhip is made of leather and handle combined into a weapon that extends your reach. This ancient weapon isn’t just for show. It can help you fend off attackers, hunt small game, or even manage livestock.
This project will take some time to make and to get used to. Here’s a video to take you step by step on how to make your bullwhip at home.
H/T @caliberwhips9595
11. Throwing Stars / Throwing Spikes
From stealth to surprise, throwing stars or throwing spikes are lightweight yet lethal. Metal or wood serves as the base material. Regarding self-defense or hunting, throwing spikes/ stars pack a powerful punch in a small package. These easily concealed weapons are perfect for those looking to add extra security to their arsenal.
- 16 gauge steel sheet
- Metal file
- Metal sander
- Hack saw
The guys at TKOR have a really easy tutorial for you to try.
H/T @TheKingofRandom
12. DIY Caltrops
DIY Caltrops are metal pieces twisted into a tetrahedron shape that disrupt movement across an area. If you’re looking for a no-nonsense approach to deter pursuers, caltrops are a great DIY tool.
These small, spiked wonders are designed to puncture tires or injure the feet of anyone trying to follow you.
Add these to your survival pack ASAP:
H/T @5tonswguns219
13. Homemade Taser
The homemade taser requires batteries and wiring to transform it into stunning power and adds electrical force to your toolkit.
No one enjoys getting shocked, and this DIY weapon puts the power of electricity at your fingertips.
This homemade taser can stop an attacker in their tracks, perfect for personal protection.
The best part? You can find some of these components right at your home.
H/T @MaxImagination
14. DIY Shiv/ Knife
A DIY shiv or knife is simply made of metal or plastic, sharpened to a point, and becomes a close-quarters essential. This handy DIY shiv/ knife can be made from just about any item around your home. Great for hunting or as a backup tool for protection or DIY crafts.
- Hacksaw
- Wooden stir stick
- Duct tape
- Aluminum can
- Pliers
- Scissors
With some creativity and ingenuity, you can turn scrap metal, glass, or plastic into a versatile cutting tool perfect for various uses.
H/T @S1lverArts
15. War Hammer
Heavy and imposing, the war hammer combines a metal head and a wooden handle that offers brute force and a devastating impact. The war hammer is a powerful melee weapon that delivers bone-crushing blows and pierces through armor like a hot knife through butter. It’s a very versatile weapon to have in your arsenal.
Make this insane weapon yourself:
H/T @WeaponCollector
16. Pocket Dart Gun
Made of small tubes and darts, pocket dart guns add surreptitious striking power, offering a covert, ranged option. This little gadget can pack a serious punch in a compact and discreet design, making it the perfect companion for on-the-go protection or outdoor adventures.
Here’s a video showing you how to make one:
H/T @Nighthawkinlight
17. Laser-Assisted Blowgun
The Laser-assisted blowgun is both high-tech and primal. A laser sight improves the accuracy of this ancient weapon. Equipped with a laser sight for pinpoint accuracy, this stealthy and silent weapon takes your hunting game to the next level.
Perfect for pursuing small game or quietly eliminating targets from afar, you’ll enjoy the thrill of staying under the radar.
Make one by following the video guide below:
H/T @TheKingofRandom
18. Sheet Metal Self-Loading Pistol
The Sheet metal self-loading pistol is a feat of DIY engineering. Sheet metal and a firing pin assemble into a semi-automatic choice. While it may not boast the polish of its commercial counterparts, this DIY firearm means business when it matters most.
In capable hands, this rugged, self-loading pistol proves that sometimes, homemade can be just as effective.
H/T @clintonwestwood5498
19. DIY Naginata
The DIY Naginata offers the benefits of both spear and sword. A long shaft and blade bring versatility to your weapons cache. This ancient Japanese weapon masterfully combines a spear’s reach and a sword’s cutting power.
Perfect for self-defense, hunting, or crowd control, the Naginata offers flexibility and efficiency in one mighty package.
All you need is a machete or shiv.
H/T @NoBSSurvival
20. Medieval Sling
Medieval sling is a tribute to ancient warcraft that’s made of a simple loop and pouch that allow for rock-hurling precision. It is the ultimate blend of simplicity and effectiveness. Launch small rocks or any other makeshift ammo with this weapon!
It’s easy to make and requires only a few materials, making it the practical go-to for your survival arsenal.
You only need a cord and tape to make one:
H/T @tods_workshop
21. Bola
The Bola is as elegant as it is effective. Weighted ropes intertwine to immobilize your target. If you want a non-lethal solution for self-defense, hunting, or crowd control, here’s the bola — an ancient weapon with a modern twist!
Originating centuries ago, the Bola has been used to skillfully immobilize prey or foes by tangling their legs or wings.
- Rocks or stones of the same size
- Paracord
Here’s a tutorial on how to make one:
H/T @BlackScoutSurvival
22. DIY Spear
The DIY spear is a hunting staple made of a wooden shaft and pointed tip, offering both range and penetration. The spear is a versatile weapon perfect for hunting and self-defense. Don’t let its straightforward design fool you. This handy tool is all about making life easier, one task at a time.
All you need is a knife, a piece of wood, and duct tape or paracord to assemble them.
Here’s a good video showing you how to make a survival spear:
H/T @animalmansurvivor1452
23. Kubaton
Kubaton is a small, held rod that concentrates force into pressure points. They are easily concealed self-defense weapons. But these strike pressure points and deliver powerful blows. You can make this using various materials.
Below is a simple way to make one using a wood pallet:
H/T @dekeros-recreationalwoodwo6456
24. Homemade Stun Grenade/ DIY Flashbang
The homemade stun grenade offers shock and awe by using flash powder and casing to produce a stunning explosion. A homemade stun grenade or flashbang is a non-lethal explosive device that creates a bright flash and loud bang to disorient and temporarily incapacitate adversaries.
It’s ideal for self-defense, crowd control, or creating diversions.
Normally, I would suggest buying these and just keeping them well stored. But if you insist on making one or find yourself needing one ASAP, here’s a video to help you.
H/T @willitflash
25. Homemade Molotov
Homemade molotovs are made of a simple glass bottle and flammable liquid that bring fire to the frontline. This improvised incendiary weapon can create a burning barrier or cause significant damage to structures or vehicles. While dangerous, it can be an effective tool in desperate situations.
- Glass bottle
- Flammable liquid (alcohol, gasoline, lighter fluid)
- Cheese cloth, fabric, lamp wick
Make this battle-tested survival weapon at home:
H/T @OrdnanceLab
26. DIY Rocket Launcher
DIY rocket launcher adds explosive range by combining tubing and propellant. Consider this if time is on your hands and you’re looking for serious firepower. This improvised rocket launcher can launch projectiles with considerable force and range.
While not as refined as military-grade launchers, it can still provide a significant advantage in serious situations.
Make it at home!
H/T @patrickdickinson6492
27. PVC Pipe Gun
PVC pipe gun is another example of plumbing turned projectile. PVC and a basic firing mechanism create this simple firearm. The PVC pipe gun is technically an airgun but in the right hands, these weapons are accurate, can be as lethal as a 22, and are extremely quiet.
Use this gun for hunting, target practice, or as backup protection:
H/T @SiriHomemadeA2Z
28. Paper Bricks
Paper bricks serve as improvised ammunition that’s made of compacted paper, offering a unique, disposable projectile. Paper bricks are versatile and eco-friendly weapons for self-defense or for constructing makeshift barriers.
Compacting wet, shredded paper into a solid block can create a surprisingly strong and durable material.
Here’s a quick guide to making one using easily accessible items. Remember, this is for educational purposes only and to be used in emergencies. Follow your local laws and regulations.
- Shred old newspapers or other paper products.
2. Soak the shredded paper in water until it becomes a pulp.
3. Press the pulp into a brick mold, and let it dry in the sun to create solid paper bricks.
29. DIY Duct tape Blowgun Dart
You can’t have a blowgun without the proper ammo. You can make these darts from tools you probably have in your survival kit.
These darts can be lethal to animals and potential attackers with the right coating.
H/T @BackyardBowyer
30. Shepherd Sling
The shepherd sling is made of a length of rope and pouch merged into an ancient missile launcher. During biblical times, this is the weapon David used to take down Goliath. This sling is a simple yet effective projectile weapon that can launch small rocks or improvised ammunition with considerable force.
All you need is some paracord.
H/T @TheWeaversofEternity
31. Spiked Fist Load
The spiked fist load turns your hand into a weapon with metal spikes and a gripping handle that makes your fist a mace. Fist loads, like brass knuckles, are tools held to improve the damage when punching. Common fist loads are lighters, a roll of quarters, or your usual metal brass knuckles.
However, you can make scary spiked fist loads at home to do serious damage.
H/T @GediminasDamasius
32. Loaded Umbrella
The loaded umbrella surprises with its dual function, concealing a weighted or bladed tip. This one’s not an umbrella with a hidden gun. Instead, it’s got weights. At first, it seems completely unaltered, properly when wielded as a club, it packs a devastating punch.
How to Make a DIY Loaded Umbrella
- Obtain a sturdy full-sized umbrella with a solid handle and carefully disassemble the umbrella tip.
2. After that, lash the heavy objects around the pole’s center. If you have any extras, put them at the end and work your way in.
3. Depending on your umbrella’s design, you may need to remove the arms from the central slider piece to close it. Use the umbrella’s rap or leash to tie the arms over the shaft.
33. Glass Knapping Arrows and Blades
Glass knapping arrows bring an artisanal edge by using flint or glass shards to serve as the arrowheads in this delicate but deadly weapon. Create wickedly sharp arrows and blades, ensuring you’re always one step ahead in the wild! These trusty tools will be your go-to companions for hunting, protection, and thriving when the going gets tough.
Here’s a quick video that shows you how to do it:
H/T @TheKingofRandom
34. Slapjack/ Sap
The slapjack or sap is a concealable impact weapon that combines leather and metal, creating a blunt-force tool. Craft your own DIY slapjack or sap for a discreet and effective self-defense weapon to keep you safe in the great outdoors.
Using just a flexible material and some added weight, you’ll be well-prepared to handle unexpected challenges in the wild.
Here’s a quick and easy way how to make one:
H/T @primalpunch
35. Balloon Slingshots
Balloon slingshots offer light-hearted lethality using rubber balloons and a Y-frame. This balloon slingshot is a fun and versatile DIY weapon perfect for hurling projectiles or causing distractions in the wild.
With just a balloon and a sturdy frame, you’ll have a potent slingshot that’s easy on resources but big on impact!
H/T @PajenDIY
36. Rambo Spear Trap
The rambo spear trap is a Hollywood-inspired trap that makes use of a spring-loaded mechanism. This handy trap is great for camp security and food catching. When activated by an unwary animal or intruder, the spears impale or injure the victim.
Check out this video to learn how to make one:
H/T @cavemancody
Key Takeaways Making Your DIY Homemade Survival Weapons!
Learning to create DIY homemade survival weapons is a fun and engaging activity, but it also helps you build confidence and resourcefulness when facing unexpected challenges. Materials at hand and a creative mindset become life-saving tools.
Remember, these weapons are meant for true survival situations or educational purposes, so always prioritize safety and ethics. As you explore new skills and techniques, you’ll find yourself better prepared for whatever life throws at you.
Stay safe and happy prepping!

Bill Montgomery is the co-founder of Modern Day Prepping. He and his wife Angie have been dedicated to the self-reliant lifestyle since 2008. When he’s not working on the homestead, he enjoys tinkering with electronics and family movie nights with Angie and their two boys. To learn more about Bill, visit the About Us page.
If you want to know how to keep your family safe in the modern world, visit Privacy For Patriots, a sister site that Bill started to help fellow Patriots stay "off the radar" from bad actors and big tech.