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50 Bible Quotes About Survival: Verses For Hard Times

50 Bible Quotes About Survival: Verses For Hard Times

Ever feel like life’s challenges are bearing down on you, and you’re just not quite prepared enough to face them? Yeah, we all do. 

But sometimes, it helps to remember that people have faced (and overcome) hard times for centuries, and the Bible is a treasure trove of verses offering guidance, reassurance, and inspiration to help us navigate even the toughest situations.

You may be wondering how to rely on some Bible quotes about survival in such uncertain, chaotic times. But when you’re in survival mode, turning to the wisdom found in the scriptures may offer that essential anchoring you need.

What’s remarkable is that, amidst the chaos and doubt, the Bible’s words of survival don’t just shed light on endurance and faith but also carry the weight of experience that has stood the test of time.

Eager to dive into these ageless verses that could potentially transform your perspective on life’s trials? Let’s get started!

In This Article

Bible Quotes About Survival for Tough Times

When facing tough times, look to these verses for strength and reassurance:

  1. Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

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  1. Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

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  1. John 16:33: “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

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  1. Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

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  1. Psalm 23:4: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

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  1. John 14:27: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

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  1. Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

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  1. Joshua 1:9: “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

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  1. Isaiah 40:31: “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

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  1. 1 Chronicles 16:11: “Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually!”

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  1. Psalm 28:7: “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.”
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Promises and Comfort in Difficult Times

These Bible verses are about God’s promises and the comfort of His presence that can help you through difficult times:

  1. Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”

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  1. Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

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  1. Psalm 34:18: “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed.”

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  1. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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  1. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: “Blessed be the God and Father of our LORD Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”

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Trusting God During Uncertainty

In times of uncertainty, trust God’s guidance and plan for your life:

  1. Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean unto thine own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”

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  1. Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the thought that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not evil, to give you an expected end.”

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  1. 2 Corinthians 5:7: “For we live by faith, not by sight.”

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  1. Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

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  1. Mark 11:24: “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.”

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  1. Matthew 17:20: “And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.”

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  1. James 1:12: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the LORD hath promised to them that love him.”

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God’s Love and Support

Here are verses that will help you remember God’s love and support during the trials of life:

  1.  Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”

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  1. Isaiah 43:2: “When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.”

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Enduring Difficult Times

Here are some verses that provide valuable teachings for enduring adversity:

  1. Psalm 18:2: “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.”

Photo of a bible verse.

  1. Isaiah 40:31: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

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  1. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9: “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;”

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  1. 1 Peter 5:10: “But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.”
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About Perseverance

In the stormy seas of hardship, perseverance serves as our guiding lighthouse, helping us to navigate and endure. Let’s explore some verses that remind us of this thought:

  1. Romans 5:3-4: “And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope.”
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  1. James 1:2-3: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.”

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  1. 1 Corinthians 10:13: “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it”

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  1. Galatians 6:9: “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

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Hope For A Better Future

Once the storm of hardship passes and you’ve successfully navigated through it, the hope for a brighter, better future naturally emerges.  Let’s look at some Bible verses that inspire hope for better times ahead:

  1. Jeremiah 29:13: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Bible verse image.

  1. Psalm 42:11: “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

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  1. Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

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  1. Romans 8:18: “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”
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Guidance and Wisdom

Survival in tough times is not just about endurance, it’s also about guidance and wisdom to navigate the turbulent waters. Here are Bible verses that offer direction and insight during our hardest moments.

These scriptures remind us that we’re not alone in our journey, and that there’s a divine roadmap to help us find our way.

  1. James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will
    be given to you.”

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  1. Psalm 32:8: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”

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  1. John 16:13: “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth.”
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The Sovereignty of God

In the grand scheme of survival and resilience, God’s sovereignty offers a source of immense comfort and stability.

These verses serve as gentle reminders that our trials are never beyond His knowledge or reach.

Embracing the sovereignty of God during our hardships invites a sense of peace, knowing that our lives are part of a greater divine plan that is ultimately for our good.

  1. Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

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  1. Psalm 46:1-2: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.”

  1. Isaiah 55:8-9: “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
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Bible Verses To Grow Your Faith In God

One way to navigate tough times is to cultivate a deeper faith in God. Here, we’ll explore scripture passages that can strengthen your trust in the divine.

These verses remind us of God’s unwavering faithfulness and His ability to transform trials into blessings. 

44. Psalm 46:10: “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

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45. Romans 10:9-10: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

46. Galatians 2:16: “Yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, so we also have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ and not by works of the law, because by works of the law no one will be justified.”

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47. James 5:14-16: “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

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48. Ephesians 3:16-17: “That according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love.”

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49. 1 Peter 1:7: “So that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.

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50. Hebrews 12:1-2: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”

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What Does The Bible Say About Survival?

The Bible has quite a lot to say about surviving tough times. It’s not about just gritting your teeth and bearing it. Instead, it’s about finding strength that’s bigger than what we could muster on our own, and that strength comes from faith in God.

The Bible has this comforting way of telling us that we’re not alone in tough times. It’s as if God is saying, “Hey, I’m here with you. Don’t stress out or be afraid.” It encourages us to lean on God when things get rough, reminding us that we’re not carrying these burdens alone.

But it’s not just about making it through the hard times. The Bible also talks about finding peace amidst the chaos.

Also, the Bible talks about hope. It reminds us that no matter how rough things get, hope keeps you going without losing heart.

According to the Bible, survival is not just about making it through the storm, it’s about dancing in the rain with faith in God, being at peace, and always having hope.

FAQs: Bible Quotes About Survival

How Can These Bible Quotes About Survival Help Me In Difficult Times?

Each of the verses highlighted in this article packs timeless wisdom and unique insights about navigating adversity. They serve as gentle yet powerful reminders of God’s unfaltering presence and His undying support during times when we’re tested.

It’s about a shift in perspective – from seeing an obstacle as a roadblock to viewing it as a stepping stone. These bible quotes about survival serve to spark hope, encourage resilience, foster faith, and stress the inner peace that comes from placing trust in God.

In a nutshell, they’re like a spiritual anchor, helping you hold your ground amid life’s most turbulent storms.

What About People Of Different Faiths? Will They Find These Verses Useful Too?

Absolutely! The beauty of these verses is that their wisdom transcends religious boundaries. Though these scriptures stem from the Christian Bible, they convey universally applicable messages of hope, resilience, faith, and peace.

That being said, it’s also essential to respect each person’s individual path and the wisdom they draw from their own faith traditions or personal philosophies. Every religion, belief system, and personal journey has its own rich reservoir of wisdom and guidance, providing strength and comfort in its unique way.

Photo of people of different faiths and cultures.


Are There More Bible Verses About Survival That Can Offer Help In Times Of Distress?

You bet! The Bible is like an ocean of wisdom with countless verses that can provide comfort, guidance, and strength.

While this article presents a select few, the Bible is brimming with more stories and verses that carry potent messages of hope, faith, and resilience. 

So if you’re seeking further biblical guidance, exploring the Bible as a whole can offer a broader understanding and perhaps reveal verses that speak to you personally. It’s a journey of spiritual exploration that can offer endless comfort and inspiration.

Here is a book of 100 bible verses to help overcome worry and anxiety:

Key Takeaways: Bible Quotes About Survival

Throughout your journey in life, you will inevitably face difficult situations. In these moments, it’s crucial to remember that the Bible offers guidance to see us through these hard times.

God’s Word not only provides comfort but also gives us inspiration for navigating through these obstacles.

Sometimes, these trials can leave us feeling confused or lost, but turning to Bible quotes for survival and seeking guidance from the word of God will help us navigate through the garden of Eden we find ourselves in.

Just keep them close to your heart, and call on your heavenly Father whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Keep on doing good deeds, even when it’s difficult, remember to rely on God’s will, and trust in His love to guide you through times of difficulty.

The Bushcraft Bedroll: 10 Best For Cowboy Camping

The Bushcraft Bedroll: 10 Best For Cowboy Camping

Are you looking for the perfect companion for a blissful night under the stars? A bushcraft bedroll could be just what you need for those exciting cowboy camping escapades.

A well-chosen bushcraft bedroll, like those made of 10 oz. cotton canvas or bundled up with premium leather straps and made with the traditions from days of the old west, can put your mind at ease, offering a comfortable and reliable option for even the coldest nights.

Luckily, we’re here to explore ten of the best bushcraft bedrolls for cowboy camping, all suited to help you stay comfortable, warm, and ready for whatever nature throws your way.

Let’s find the one that’ll have you dreaming of starry nights, exciting adventures, and the thrill of embracing the elements!

Our Top Picks

In This Guide

Photo of a campsite at night.

The 10 Best Bushcraft Bedrolls

Now let’s explore our carefully selected list of top bushcraft bedrolls.

1. TrailMax Canvas Cavalry-Style Cowboy Bedroll

Material: Cotton duck preshrunk canvas

Size: ‎84" x 33"

Weight: 5 pounds

  • Durable premium materials
  • Designed for a comfortable outdoor sleep
  • Roomy with generous head flap and sleeping pad pocket
  • Bulkier than other bedrolls
  • Slightly on the heavier side

The TrailMax Canvas Cavalry-Style Cowboy Bedroll is a remarkable option for those on the hunt for a comfortable and resilient sleeping arrangement for the great outdoors.

Crafted from robust cotton duck canvas and lined with pure cotton flannel, this bedroll promises a warm, comfortable rest even during chillier nights.

Engineered with outdoor sleeping in mind, the canvas functions effectively to deter dew and frost from accumulating on the sleeping bags, while its breathability permits moisture to dissipate, ensuring a dry, toasty night’s sleep.

However, its bulk and heft may not be suitable for backpackers or those who want a more compact rest solution, making it better suited to car camping, horseback camping, or motorbike expeditions.

The TrailMax Canvas Cavalry-Style Cowboy Bedroll is a splendid choice for a snug and inviting outdoor rest. Its superior materials and considerate design make it an ideal pick for anyone seeking to enhance their camping experience.

2. TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Sleeping Bag

Material: Cotton, flannel

Size: 92” x 39”

Weight: 20 pounds

  • Comfortable and warm for all seasons
  • Durable water-resistant canvas shell
  • Soft, removable cotton flannel lining
  • Heavy and bulky
  • Attracts pet hair

This TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Sleeping Bag offers warm and comfortable sleep suitable for all-season camping.

The soft flannel lining and mummy-style hood made for a snug and comfortable night’s sleep, even in chilly temperatures. It feels soft and inviting. 

Also, the innovative fiber fill and draft tubes work together to keep you warm during your camping adventures.

At 20 pounds, it’s quite hefty, and the bulky design could hinder portability. But if you’re mainly car camping or staying at a campsite close to vehicular access, this factor shouldn’t be a deal-breaker.

Despite its weight and bulkiness, it’s perfect for car camping or short-distance trips. Its durable construction and cozy lining will make for a restful and enjoyable night under the stars.

3. BETTER HABITAT Sleep Ready Portable Floor Bed

Material: Memory foam, cotton

Size: 75” x 36”

Weight: 17 pounds

  • Easy setup and rollaway design
  • Quality memory foam for comfort
  • Certi-PUR-US certified materials
  • May be too soft for some sleepers
  • Not suitable for backpacking trips

The BETTER HABITAT SleepReady Portable Floor Mattress is a compelling choice if you’re in need of a comfortable and handy option for accommodating guests or for your camping excursions.

Sporting a compact design that’s a cinch to set up, this mattress comes complete with a waterproof bamboo sheet and a non-slip, water-resistant bottom, making it a suitable choice for both indoors and the great outdoors.

Unrolling this mattress couldn’t be simpler; all you have to do is unclip it and roll it out. Its 3-inch memory foam offers commendable comfort and support, providing relief for joint pain — a noteworthy feature in a portable mattress. However, some sleepers might find it to be too soft for their liking.

Additionally, its thickness might not be sufficient if you plan to use it as your primary sleeping surface for an extended period.

4. TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Camp Pad

Material: 300D Polyester Canvas

Size: 82” x 38”

Weight: 9 pounds

  • Highly comfortable open-cell foam pad
  • Provides extra insulation for warmth
  • Lightweight and easy to carry
  • Might not be suitable as a standalone ground pad
  • Can be too warm for some sleepers

The TETON Sports Outfitter XXL Camp Pad features a comfortable open-cell foam pad which can morph into a snug makeshift bed, providing you a familiar feel of your own bed.

The pad also has an added layer of insulation, which will keep you warm and snug while sleeping. It’s also lightweight and easy to carry using its roll-up straps and compression buckles.

However, when you use it solely as a ground pad, you might sink straight through it. This feature is something to consider when choosing a camp pad for your specific needs.

Though it may not be the perfect fit for everyone, it’s definitely worth considering for those who value a good night’s sleep in the great outdoors.

Also Great
5. TETON Sports Deer Hunter Sleeping Bag

Material: 600D polyester canvas

Size: 90” x 39”

Weight: 10.45 pounds

  • Durable water-resistant canvas shell
  • Warm in extreme cold due to innovative fiber fill
  • Comfortable and soft poly-flannel lining
  • Bulky and heavyweight
  • Limited mobility due to rectangular shape

If you’re in the market for a spacious and warm bushcraft bedroll for your adventures, the TETON Sports Deer Hunter Sleeping Bag is a great choice.

Even on a freezing, rainy night, the  TETON Sports Deer Hunter Sleeping Bag will keep you  warm and snug, thanks to the high-quality canvas shell and innovative fiber fill. It also has a soft poly-flannel lining that feels luxuriously plush.

This sleeping bag is quite bulky and heavy. So it isn’t particularly designed for backpacking adventures. However, it’s perfect for car camping.

Another small downside is the rectangular shape which can restrict mobility. Some people might prefer a mummy-style bag for a more anatomical fit, but if you’re looking for extra space, the Deer Hunter provides that.

Though it may not suit those looking for a lightweight, packable option, the TETON Sports Deer Hunter Sleeping Bag has a durable construction and premium materials to ensure it will last for many adventures to come. 

6. WELLAX Sleeping Pad - Foam Camping Mats

Material: Memory foam, foam

Size: 77” x 27”

Weight: 5.95 pounds

  • UltraFlex Memory Foam provides excellent support
  • Compact and lightweight for easy transport
  • Durable, waterproof, and tear-resistant design
  • May be heavy and bulky
  • Deflating and packing can be difficult

The WELLAX Sleeping Pad boasts high-quality materials and construction. It has an UltraFlex Memory Foam that provides superior comfort, offering support for the back, which adapts to your body shape. This will make your camping nights feel more like sleeping at home.

One of the standout features of this sleeping pad is its compactness and lightweight design. It’s easy to roll it up and secure it with the included straps, making it convenient for car camping trips.

The durability and weather resistance of the WELLAX Sleeping Pad is another major plus. You can use it in various environments, including wet and cold conditions, without experiencing any issues.

So if comfort and durability are your top priorities for a camping bushcraft bedroll, the WELLAX Sleeping Pad is a solid choice. However, keep in mind that it is best suited for car camping, as its size and weight may not be ideal for backpacking trips.

7. Coleman Dunnock Cold Weather Adult Sleeping Bag

Material: Cotton

Size: 81” x 39”

Weight: 9.2 pounds

  • Comfortable and spacious for people up to 6 feet 4 inches tall
  • Effective in temperatures as low as 20 degrees F
  • Thoughtful design features, such as ZipPlow and Wrap 'N Roll systems
  • May be too bulky for backpacking trips
  • Might be too thin for some

The Coleman Dunnock Cold Weather Sleeping Bag is known for its comfort, warmth, and durability in cold temperatures.

Not only does it have a classic and stylish design, but its cotton covers and soft flannel liner will make you feel cozy even on chilly nights.

It features a ZipPlow system, which makes it easy to zip up and close without any snagging — an issue often encountered with other bags.

Also, the Roll Control design and Wrap ‘N Roll integrated packing system make it simple to roll up and secure for storage after use.

It’s the perfect bushcraft bedroll for car camping or other outdoor adventures where portability isn’t the primary concern.

8. Woolly Mammoth Merino Wool Blanket

Material: 80% wool, 12% polyester, 5% nylon, 3% other fibers

Size: 90” x 66”

Weight: 4 pounds

  • Merino wool warmth
  • Multifunctional for various outdoor activities
  • Durable edging and finish
  • Slightly itchy texture
  • Strong initial odor

Designed with a generous size, this blanket will keep you warm and toasty during colder nights. The 80% merino wool composition provides instant warmth while also being water-resistant, breathable, and temperature-regulating.

What sets this blanket roll apart from others is its versatility. It’s perfect for situations such as camping, hiking, fishing, or even simply keeping it in the trunk of the car as a utility blanket for emergencies.

The double-stitched edging and thick yarn whipstitch ensure durability for years to come. It’s also worth mentioning that the initial odor upon opening the packaging is quite strong. However, it will dissipate over time.

Keep in mind that proper care includes spot cleaning and avoiding machine washes, as they may damage the wool fibers.

9. Arcturus Military Wool Blanket

Material: Wool

Size: 88” x 64”

Weight: 4.5 pounds

  • Triple-washed for softness and hygiene
  • Naturally fire-retardant and no added chemicals
  • Large size is perfect for multiple uses
  • May shed some wool fibers
  • Heavier than some alternatives

The Arcturus Military Wool Blanket is very soft and has a clean smell from being triple-washed during its production. This feature makes it different from other cheaply made blankets, as it provides better hygiene and less shedding.

The naturally fire-retardant characteristic of the wool fabric gives you a peace of mind while sitting around the campfire.

You also don’t have to worry about any stray sparks landing on it because it was already safe and chemical-free. This feature sets the Arcturus blanket apart from other options that rely on chemical treatments to achieve the same effect.

The large size of this blanket is perfect for keeping you warm during chilly nights and providing enough room to snuggle up comfortably.

Budget Pick
10. Farm Blue Coyote Army Camping Blanket Tactical Woobie Blanket

Material: Polyester

Size: 82” x 57”

Weight: 1.5 pounds

  • Robust construction
  • Versatile to use
  • Suitable for all weather conditions
  • Convenient to pack and carry
  • May be too lightweight for some
  • The blanket's thickness might not be adequate for extended periods in harsh conditions

The Farm Blue Military Woobie Blanket is made with a 100 percent polyester shell and insulation. This US Army-grade piece of kit is designed for durability and resilience.

It’s a versatile survival tool that can be used as a lightweight warmth provider on those chilly nights or even as an emergency poncho liner.

The Farm Blue blanket can also double up as a makeshift tent, a pet blanket to keep your car clean, or even as an emergency sleeping bag, thanks to the included corner tie-cords.

When it’s time to pack up, simply roll it up into its bonus matching drawstring bag, and you’re ready for your next adventure.

Woman relaxing on her bushcraft bedroll.

What Is A Bushcraft Bedroll?

A bushcraft bedroll is a special type of sleeping bag that is designed for use outdoors. It’s made from durable materials that can withstand the elements and has features that allow you to set it up quickly and easily.

Unlike a traditional sleeping bag, a bushcraft bedroll is designed to be used with a ground pad or tarp to provide extra insulation and protection from the ground.

So, why should you get a bushcraft bedroll? Well, if you’re someone who loves spending time in the great outdoors, whether it’s camping, hiking, or bushcraft, a bedroll is an essential piece of gear. It provides you with a comfortable place to sleep and protects you from the elements.

Plus, it’s much more versatile than a traditional sleeping bag, as you can use it in a variety of different ways.

For example, you can use a bushcraft bedroll as a shelter by draping it over a rope or between two trees to create a simple A-frame shelter.

You can also use it as a ground cover or tarp to protect your gear from the elements.

And, of course, you can use it as a sleeping bag to keep you warm and comfortable throughout the night.

What To Consider When Buying A Bushcraft Bedroll

When looking for the perfect bushcraft bedroll, there are several factors to consider. Here are the key features to look for and help you make an informed decision.


A bedroll’s material is crucial for comfort and durability. 

Materials such as canvas, ripstop nylon, or polyester strike the right balance between weight, strength, and water resistance.

Remember, lighter materials like 7 oz. cotton canvas might be easier to carry, but may not offer the same durability as heavier counterparts.


Consider both the packed and unfolded size of the bushcraft bedroll.

How compact is the bedroll when packed? Does it fit neatly into your backpack or need its own carry solution like premium leather straps? Once unfurled, is it of regular size or large enough to offer a comfortable sleeping space?

Keeping a note of these measurements while shopping will help you pick a bushcraft bedroll suited to your needs.

When it comes to the packed size, you’ll want something that is compact and can easily fit in your backpack. When shopping, take note of these measurements and choose a bedroll that suits your needs.


When out in the wilderness, every ounce you carry makes a difference. That’s why it’s essential to choose a bushcraft bedroll with an appropriate weight.

Weight is an essential factor, especially when you’re trekking long distances in good weather.

Each additional ounce becomes noticeable, so choose a bedroll weight that aligns with your physical capabilities and trip length.

Remember, however, that weight often correlates with comfort and durability, meaning a lightweight solution might not withstand many cold nights. It’s a matter of finding the right balance.


The quality of insulation in the bedroll you choose plays a significant role in keeping you warm and comfortable throughout the night.


Look for options that provide adequate insulation for the expected weather conditions, such as synthetic materials like polyester and synthetic down, which often provide good insulation while remaining lightweight.


Nobody wants to sleep on a damp bed, so it’s essential to choose a water-resistant bed roll. Some materials and coatings offer better water resistance than others.

Opt for bedrolls with a waterproof coating or those made from water-resistant fabrics like waxed canvas or coated nylon. After all, nobody wants a damp bedroll ruining their car camping experience.

Ease Of Setup

Time is precious out in the wild, and you don’t want to spend ages setting up your bedroll. So look for options with a straightforward setup process.

Some bedrolls come with elastic straps or cords that make it easy to anchor them to the ground or tie them up between trees.

Photo of a bedroll with blankets on top.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you properly roll up a bedroll?

To roll up a bedroll, first, ensure that the groundsheet is clean and dry. Then lay the bedroll out flat, with the canvas on top and the insulation layer beneath.

Fold the edges inward and tightly roll the bedroll, squeezing out any air along the way. Once rolled, secure it with straps or paracord to maintain its shape during transport.

What size groundsheet is needed for a bedding roll?

The size of the groundsheet required depends on the dimensions of the canvas and insulation layers.

Ideally, the groundsheet should be slightly larger than the canvas to ensure adequate protection from the ground.

When in doubt, it’s better to opt for a larger size, as any excess material can always be tucked underneath the bedroll for added protection.

What materials are best for making a bedroll?

When making a bedroll, it’s essential to choose materials that are durable, water-resistant, and comfortable. Commonly used materials include canvas, ripstop nylon, and heavy-duty polyester.

Canvas is a popular choice due to its durability and breathability. However, synthetic materials like ripstop nylon and polyester also provide excellent protection and are often lighter in weight.

How to create a canvas bedroll?

Here’s how to create a canvas bedroll:

  1. Start by cutting a large piece of canvas to the desired size.

  2. Fold the edges inward and sew them securely to prevent fraying.

  3. Add a layer of insulation like wool or synthetic blankets.

  4. Place a waterproof groundsheet, such as a tarp or plastic sheet, beneath the canvas before rolling it all up and securing it with straps or paracord.

How does a bedroll compare to a sleeping bag?

A bedroll is typically more versatile and modular than a sleeping bag, as it can be customized to suit personal preferences and different types of weather.

Bedrolls are also generally easier to maintain and repair.

However, sleeping bags offer a greater specificity in their temperature ratings and typically provide more insulation for colder environments.

Photo of different sleeping bags.

The Bushcraft Bedroll: Key Takeaways

From the traditional hutchins roll to the more modern style bedroll, these versatile sleep systems can be tailored to suit your needs, whether you’re car camping or trekking long distances in good weather.

A great bushcraft bedroll usually includes a water resistant material, like an 10oz cotton canvas ground mat or a canvas bedroll, paired with a nice wool blanket.

Premium leather straps also help hold your gear in place, and the weight can make a significant difference when it comes to comfort and portability.

No matter your choice, a well-prepared bedroll ensures you’re ready to make the most of your next adventure in the great outdoors.

Investing in a good bushcraft bedroll can not only improve comfort during your outdoor excursions but also enhance your emergency preparedness and survival skills.

So gear up and get ready to conquer the wilderness with the best bushcraft bedroll that suits our needs.

21 Off Grid Bathroom Ideas For Living When SHTF

21 Off Grid Bathroom Ideas For Living When SHTF

Living off the grid, especially when SHTF, requires innovative thinking and creative solutions to everyday challenges.

One such challenge is maintaining hygiene, which is absolutely crucial for overall well-being and disease prevention.

If you’re thinking about setting up your off grid restroom, you’re in the right place!

So whether you’re planning a full-time shift to an off grid lifestyle, planning a camping trip or simply want to be prepared for any eventuality, you’re in the right place.

Read on to explore our list of different off grid bathroom ideas that will meet your needs and maintain your comfort when SHTF.

Photo of a portable toilet inside a tent for privacy. One of the easy off grid bathroom ideas.

In This Guide

Photo of an off grid bathroom ideas.

Off Grid Bathroom Ideas

Eco-Friendly Toilets

Living off grid doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice comfort or functionality in your bathroom.

There are several eco-friendly toilet options that can help you maintain hygiene while minimizing your environmental footprint. Here are some eco-friendly options:

1. Composting Toilets

Composting toilets are an excellent option for a tiny house bathroom, or if you’re simply looking for a waste management system that’s both environmentally friendly and sustainable.

These innovative toilets work by breaking down human waste into compost, which can then be used to fertilize soil.

Plus, they require no water, so you’ll save valuable resources and reduce your wastewater output.

However, they need regular emptying and maintenance, which involves handling fecal matter.


  • No water needed

  • Creates compost that can be used as fertilizer

  • Low-maintenance and odor-free when properly managed

  • Reduces the need for sewage disposal


  • Requires regular emptying and maintenance

  • More expensive upfront cost compared to traditional toilets

  • May not be suitable for large families or heavy use

Here’s a video that shows you how to make one:


2. Humanure Toilets

The humanure bucket toilet, as the name suggests, is a type of bucket toilet system that focuses on turning human waste into compost or “humanure.”

Its process is straightforward. You start with a basic five-gallon bucket fitted with a toilet seat for comfort.

After each use, you cover the waste with a layer of carbon material, such as sawdust, peat moss, or straw, which helps control odors and kickstart the composting process.

Once the bucket is full, it’s emptied into a dedicated outdoor compost pile and left to decompose, eventually turning into nutrient-rich compost that can be safely used in gardening. The bucket is then cleaned and reused.


  • Excellent way to recycle waste

  • I​​nexpensive to set up

  • Easy to maintain


  • Requires a dedicated outdoor space

  • Can take up to a year to produce usable compost

Here’s a guide on hope to use a humanure toilet:

H/T @twitchysquatch2262

If you want to know more about humanure composting, check out this handbook:

The Humanure Handbook: A Guide to Composting Human Manure, Third Edition

Written by an experienced humanure composter, this book delves into the history and environmental implications of recycling "human waste," addressing health risks and providing safe methods to transform humanure into garden soil.

3. Incinerating Toilets

Incinerating toilets are another off grid solution that offers convenience and minimal environmental impact.

These units use propane or electricity to burn waste, reducing it to a small amount of ash. They’re especially useful in areas where it’s not feasible to install a septic system.


  • No water or plumbing required

  • Compact and easy to install

  • Reduces waste to a small amount of ash

  • No need for a septic system or sewage disposal


  • Requires a power source (propane or electricity)

  • Requires using a liner every time you use it (bought separately)

  • Ash needs to be disposed of periodically

The most popular incinerator toilet comes from the Cinderella company.

Here’s a review by @sonicsteelcontainerhomes8938:

4. Cassette Toilets

The cassette toilet is a popular choice due to its portability and compact design. You’ll likely find these types in camper vans.

This unique toilet system is divided into two main parts: the top section, which features the toilet seat, bowl, and flushing system, and the bottom part, which is essentially a removable cassette designed for waste storage.

You operate the toilet in a typical way, but when the waste tank fills up, it’s removed, transported, and manually emptied at an appropriate dump station.


  • Manageable and straightforward approach

  • Compact size is ideal for use in small spaces

  • Removable cassette is usually wheeled and comes with a handle, making it easy to transport and empty

  • Uses a minimal amount of water for flushing


  • Requires frequent emptying

  • You have to physically remove and empty the cassette

  • Requires the regular addition of specific toilet chemicals

Check out this review of using a cassette toilet from the @Weretherussos:

Portable and DIY Toilet Ideas

Now if you’re planning an outdoor adventure or hosting an event where traditional bathroom facilities may not be available, portable and DIY toilets might just be the solution you need.

These self-contained and easy-to-assemble options come in a variety of styles and sizes, from simple bucket toilets to more complex composting models. 

5. Portable Toilets

For those who want a temporary or mobile off grid toilet option, portable toilets are the way to go.

They’re typically lightweight, easy to use, and can be transported as needed.

Many models feature chemical additives to control odors and help break down waste.


  • Convenient and easily transportable

  • Affordable upfront cost

  • Suitable for temporary or remote locations

  • Requires minimal maintenance


  • Requires regular emptying and cleaning

  • Chemical additives may not be environmentally friendly

  • Limited capacity compared to other toilet options

Check out these different types of portable toilets:

SereneLife Portable Toilet with Carry Bag

This portable toilet boasts an impressive 5.3-gallon tank that supports up to 120 flushes before it needs a refresh, all easily trackable with a useful waste level indicator.

It doesn’t leak or leave an unpleasant smell. Plus, made from top-notch, corrosion-resistant polyethylene, it’s durable and a breeze to keep clean. 

TRIPTIPS Portable Foldable Toilet for Car Camping

This ultra-compact, portable folding toilet is sized for packing and easy to carry. It’s compatible with 6 to 8 gallon bags and is easy to clean and set up.

It also doubles as a stool, storage box, trash can, and more, which is pretty convenient.

6. Camping Toilets

A camping toilet is a portable, usually lightweight, sanitation device used when traditional bathroom facilities are unavailable or inconvenient. 

It features a straightforward design that ranges from simple foldable stool frames with disposable waste bags to more sophisticated flushable systems.

For foldable or bucket-style toilets, you often just need to open it up and place a sanitary bag inside, ready for use.

More advanced models may require a bit of assembly and addition of a specific amount of water or chemicals for flushing and odor control.


  • Lightweight and easy to move

  • Easy to use and maintain

  • Offer a clean and sanitary solution compared to traditional outdoor methods


  • Regular cleaning and upkeep are required

  • Advanced models like composting or chemical toilets can be more expensive

KINSPORY Camping Portable Toilet

This portable toilet is perfectly paired with a pop-up tent, and includes 20 replacement bags. It’s also compact, foldable, and sturdy.

7. Separating Tank Toilets

A separating tank toilet, also known as a urine-diverting dry toilet (UDDT), is a unique off grid sanitation solution designed to separate solid and liquid waste at the source.

It’s a type of composting toilet that has two separate compartments for urine and feces to facilitate easier waste management and prevent unpleasant odors.

The toilet features a special bowl design that diverts urine into a separate front tank while directing solid waste into the rear compartment.

Urine can be either collected for safe disposal or repurposed as a nitrogen-rich fertilizer.

Meanwhile, solid waste dries out and decomposes over time into a safe, odorless compost that can be used in non-edible plant cultivation.


  • Minimizes the production of foul smells usually associated with mixed human waste

  • Separated waste is easier to manage

  • Uses no water for flushing

  • Recycles waste into useful resources


  • Regular emptying and cleaning of both tanks is necessary

  • Initial cost of a separating tank toilet can be higher than that of traditional or basic composting toilets

Here’s a video on how to make one:

H/T @dennislittlefield

8. Bucket Toilets

A bucket toilet, also known as a honey bucket, is among the simplest forms of off grid bathroom ideas.

Essentially, it’s a versatile bucket that can hold up to five gallons, fitted with a toilet seat and lid for added comfort and ease.

To use a bucket toilet, one just needs to position oneself on the seat and go about their business as usual.

To manage waste, it’s typical to line the bucket with a compostable bag for easy disposal.

Post-use, it’s advisable to cover the waste with a layer of absorbent material like sawdust, peat moss, or even shredded newspaper. This method helps in reducing odors and accelerating the composting process.

The full bag can then be safely composted in a dedicated area, while the bucket is cleaned and prepared for the next use with a fresh compostable bag and a layer of bulking material.


  • Simple design makes it easy to use, clean, and maintain

  • Lightweight and compact

  • Inexpensive solution, making them accessible for most budgets


  • Bucket’s size limits its capacity, requiring frequent emptying and disposal of waste

  • Bucket toilets can produce noticeable odors if not maintained properly

  • Uncomfortable to use

Camco Portable Toilet Bucket

This toilet bucket is small and easy to unfold and small when collapsed, making it a breeze to pack in the car.

It’s paired with a pop-up tent, includes 20 replacement bags, and provides a sturdy base for comfort.

Waterless Toilet Ideas

These waterless toilets are a great option for those who want to reduce their water usage or live in areas where water is scarce.

These innovative toilets use little to no water, instead relying on natural processes like composting or evaporation to break down waste.

9. Dry Toilets

Dry toilets, also known as composting or waterless toilets work by separating liquid and solid waste, often using a urine diverter.

The solid waste is then mixed with a carbon-rich material such as sawdust, peat moss, or coconut coir, which aids in the composting process and reduces odors.

The liquid waste is usually diverted into a separate container and can be diluted and safely used as a fertilizer.

The solid waste is left to compost, often in a separate compartment or container. Over time, the composted waste can also be used as a nutrient-rich soil amendment, completing the waste-to-resource cycle.


  • Use little to no water

  • Don’t require plumbing or a septic system, which means they can be installed virtually anywhere

  • Environmental-friendly solution


  • Regular maintenance is necessary for effective operation

  • Can take several months to a year for human waste to safely compost, requiring a secondary composting area or storage system

The most popular Dry Toilet is the Laveo Dry Flush Toilet. Learn how it works by watching this video:

H/T @SmokeyHills

10. Septic Systems

A septic system is a decentralized wastewater treatment structure often used in rural or off grid settings.

It’s essentially a self-contained underground waste disposal system that functions without the need for any connections to the main sewer lines.

In an off grid bathroom scenario, the septic system typically consists of two main parts: a septic tank and a drain field. The waste from the bathroom is routed into the septic tank, where solids settle at the bottom, forming sludge.

At the same time, oil and grease float to the top, creating a layer of scum. Bacteria in the septic tank then work to break down these solids.

The wastewater, now with fewer solids, flows from the tank to the drain field. Here, it is further treated as it percolates down through the soil, which acts as a natural filter.


  • Entirely self-contained

  • With proper care and maintenance, a septic system can last for many years

  • Eco-friendly way of treating wastewater naturally


  • Quite expensive; with costs depending on the size and complexity of the system

  • Requires significant space for both the tank and the drain field

11. Outhouses/ Latrines

An outhouse, also known as a latrine, is one of the simplest off grid bathroom ideas, harking back to a simpler time.

Fundamentally, it’s a small structure covering a hole or pit dug into the ground, used for the disposal of human waste.

Using an outhouse is quite straightforward. The user sits or squats over the hole and does their business. Some modern outhouses may include a wooden or plastic seat for added comfort.

After use, it’s common practice to sprinkle a layer of soil, sawdust, or lime to cover the waste, helping to reduce odors and flies.

Outhouses can be designed with varying levels of complexity, from a rudimentary shelter over a pit to a more comfortable structure with improved ventilation, a door for privacy, and even decorative elements.


  • Simple to build and use, requiring minimal materials and technical expertise

  • Functions without water

  • Quite affordable, especially when compared to other off grid bathroom ideas


  • Require regular maintenance as the pit will eventually fill up and need to be emptied or a new one dug

  • Usually built a fair distance away from the main dwelling, which can be inconvenient, particularly in bad weather or at night.
Photo of an outhouse.

Portable Shower Ideas

12. Bucket Showers

The bucket shower, true to its name, is a rudimentary form of an off grid shower. 

The principle is simple; you fill a bucket with water, which is equipped with a shower head or a spout at its base. The bucket is then lifted overhead, allowing gravity to force the water out.


  • Very budget-friendly and requires minimal setup

  • It does not need electricity or sophisticated plumbing systems

  • Highly portable and can be set up practically anywhere

  • Easy to repair and maintain due to its simplicity


  • Limited water capacity can mean a short shower time

  • Continually refilling and lifting the bucket can be physically demanding

Photo of a woman using a simple bucket shower.

13. Gravity-Fed Solar Showers

A gravity-fed solar shower typically incorporates a bag or container filled with water and left in the sun for warming.

Once adequately heated, the bag is elevated, and a small shower head releases the water. This option is ideal for those who want to enjoy hot showers, especially if you’re living in a cold area.


  • Utilizes solar power for water heating

  • Gives the luxury of a warm shower without needing an external heat source

  • No need for electricity or complex installation

  • Portable and ideal for camping or outdoor activities


  • The water’s temperature and quantity rely on the sunlight and the size of the bag

  • Requires time for the water to heat up, limiting spontaneity

If you’re planning to add a solar shower, here’s a great example:

KIPIDA Solar Shower Bag

This bag uses the sun's power to heat water to a toasty 113°F (45°C) within three hours. It's a green and safe solution for outdoor showers.

And no worries about running out of water too soon — this bag can hold up to 5 gallons for a refreshing shower. It also comes equipped with a hose, an easy-to-use shower head with adjustable water flow, and a water tap.

14. Pressurized Off Grid Showers

Pressurized off grid showers are simple systems where a water container is pressurized, often using a foot or hand pump, driving the water out through a shower head.

Some variants can also heat the water through a heat exchanger or solar energy.


  • Creates a steady water flow, similar to standard showers

  • Can provide heated water depending on the model

  • Allows for adjustment of water pressure

  • Can be set up in various locations


  • Tends to be more costly and complicated to install compared to more straightforward options

  • Regular manual effort is needed to create pressure

POMO High Pressure 5L Outdoor Portable Shower

This durable, leak-proof, and BPA-free outdoor shower is crafted from industrial-grade high-density polyethylene for long-lasting performance. holds about 1.5 gallons or 5.5 liters.

Plus, it offers five different nozzle settings ranging from Jet to Super Pressure Jet, so you can customize your cleaning.

15. Portable Camping Showers

Portable camping showers are compact and lightweight shower systems explicitly designed for portability.

They usually include a water reservoir, a heating component (often solar-powered), and a low-flow shower head.


  • Highly portable, making it ideal for various outdoor activities

  • Easy to use with minimal setup

  • Some models offer heated showers via solar energy

  • Useful in situations with limited space or resources


  • Water volume tends to be limited, meaning shorter shower times

  • May lack the pressure and heat intensity of conventional showers

Ridgewinder Portable Shower for Camping with Dry Bag

This portable shower is comfortably packed in a 2.5-gallon Dry Bag. To use, just fill the bag with fresh water, drop in the shower pump, and enjoy a camp shower.

It’s powered by a 2200mAh rechargeable battery, providing up to 60 minutes of runtime. Plus, it has no fiddly cables, the battery easily slides into the pump and can be charged via any 5V USB power output.

Waterless Bathroom Ideas

With a few innovative waterless bathroom solutions, you can maintain a high level of personal care even without plumbing or running water.

Let’s explore three popular options.

16. Navy Showers

A Navy shower, popularized by sailors or military personnel living in confined spaces, can be your go-to solution for water conservation. They’re especially well-suited for tiny houses and off grid living because they use very little water.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Turn on the water and quickly get wet.

  2. Turn off the water and lather up with soap and shampoo.

  3. Turn on the water again to rinse off.

This simple process reduces water usage to just a few gallons per shower while still getting clean. The only downside? They might feel less luxurious than a regular shower, but that’s a small trade-off for sustainability.


  • Reduces water and energy consumption

  • Effective solution for areas where water is scarce


  • Feels rushed

  • Can be chilly

17. Wet Wipes

Wet wipes are an excellent alternative for cleaning your body without relying on running water.

Originally designed for baby care, they’ve become increasingly popular in a variety of contexts, including camping and off grid living.

They’re a handy tool to have in your off grid bathroom arsenal. Just remember to dispose of them responsibly.

While wet wipes are a handy solution for maintaining hygiene in off grid situations or emergencies, nothing beats a good old-fashioned shower.

So it’s important to also incorporate regular bathing into your routine whenever possible.


  • Quick and convenient

  • Require no water or rinsing

  • Easily portable


  • Single-use, generating waste

  • Less thorough than showering

Nurture XL Ultra Thick Body Wipes for Adults w/ Aloe

This is a pocket-friendly shower alternative that’s gentle and effective for cleansing the skin.

These are four times thicker than standard wipes and provide an unrivaled waterless bathing experience without needing a rinse.

Plus, they're ideal for on-the-go freshness, so you can enjoy the comfort of a full-body cleanse anywhere, anytime.

18. No-Rinse Cleansers

No-rinse body cleansers have gained popularity among campers and those in the healthcare industry for their water-saving qualities.

The formulation is designed to lift and remove dirt, sweat, oils, and odor.

These cleansers simply need to be applied to your skin and wiped off with a towel or cloth without needing a wash or rinse afterward.

However, they might be less effective for heavy dirt or sweat removal.


  • Significantly reduce the amount of water needed for personal hygiene

  • Easy to use, quick, and convenient

  • Compact packaging can save space in your bathroom


  • They don’t entirely replace the feeling of a good, thorough wash with water

  • Some may experience irritation.

Nurture Rinse Free Foaming Cleanser

This no-rinse cleanser is packed with aloe vera and natural nourishing ingredients. It’s also vegan-friendly, hypoallergenic, pH balanced, and free from parabens and sulfates.

It also moisturizes your skin with hydrating aloe vera and essential vitamins.

It’s a refreshing shower in a bottle, ready to keep you feeling fresh wherever you go.

Energy Saving Shower Ideas

These energy-saving showerheads are designed to use less water and energy, but they don’t compromise your shower experience.

You can still enjoy a satisfying shower with the same water pressure and comfort as traditional shower heads while also reducing your environmental impact.

19. Solar Water Heaters

Using solar water heaters is a great way to harness the sun’s energy and save on power consumption. This method involves using a free, renewable source of energy instead of relying on electricity or propane to heat your water.

There are several different types, but in essence, they involve a solar collector — usually a panel or evacuated tube design that absorbs solar radiation and transfers it to water.

This system stores heated water in an insulated tank for on-demand use, perfect for bathing in cold climates.

They can either be passive, relying on natural convection to move the hot water, or active, which uses pumps and controllers.

In an off grid scenario, a passive system is typically preferred as it doesn’t require electricity.

To get started, you can either purchase a ready-made solar water heating system or build your own.


  • Low operating costs

  • Systems can be sized to meet individual needs

  • Require little upkeep


  • Upfront cost of purchasing and installing a solar water heater can be high

  • Effectiveness of solar water heaters is contingent on the availability of sunlight
Photo of outdoor shower set up.

Reuse and Recycle System Ideas

20. Greywater Systems

Greywater systems allow for the recycling of water from showers, sinks, and washing machines. This system separates greywater (lightly used water) from blackwater (heavily polluted water, typically from toilets), allowing for different treatment and reuse strategies.

Greywater, with its relatively minor contamination, can be filtered and repurposed for non-potable uses such as flushing toilets, watering plants, or even showering again with additional purification.

For off grid bathroom ideas, incorporating a greywater system can mean the installation of pipes to direct the water from your fixtures to a treatment area.

Here, the water is filtered and treated before being used in gardens or toilets.


  • Saves resources by recycling water

  • Helps reduce strain in septic systems

  • Helps you save money in the long run


  • Can be expensive at first due to the potential need for plumbing modifications

  • Need regular maintenance to ensure the water is being treated properly and that the system is working effectively

Check out this video that shows you how to make your greywater system:

H/T @SteepintheWoods

21. Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Rainwater harvesting is another eco-friendly solution for your off grid bathroom. It’s a simple idea: collect rainwater and use it for your daily needs, like flushing toilets and washing clothes.

To get started, you’ll need a storage tank and a proper gutter system to channel the water flow.


  • Reduces your dependence on the water grid

  • Lowers your water bill

  • Provides a backup in times of drought or water shortage


  • Rainfall patterns may vary, making it hard to predict the amount of water available

  • You may need additional filtration or treatment for certain uses

Here’s a video showing you how to create a rainwater harvesting system you can use for your off grid bathroom:

H/T @homesteadonomics

What Is An Off Grid Bathroom?

An off grid bathroom is a self-contained, self-sustaining restroom facility that functions without relying on traditional public utilities like water supply, sewage systems, or electricity.

The core philosophy behind an off grid bathroom is achieving sustainability and self-reliance, often in preparation for situations where conventional services are unavailable or when one chooses to live removed from societal dependencies.

Off grid bathrooms can vary greatly in their design, complexity, and luxury level, depending largely on the available resources, the user’s skill, and their specific requirements.

Elements Of An Off Grid Bathroom

There are a few elements that are common across most off grid bathrooms, which are the following:

Water Supply: This may be sourced from rainwater harvesting, wells, nearby streams, or even manual hauling. The water is often stored in containers or tanks and is used sparingly to minimize wastage.

Toilet Facilities: Off grid bathrooms frequently feature composting toilets, which require no water and convert human waste into compost that can be used as fertilizer.

Other options might include incinerating toilets or basic pit latrines.

Lighting and Heating: These can be powered by renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines.

In some cases, wood-burning stoves might be used for heating.

Waste Management: Greywater (from sinks, showers, etc.) and blackwater (from toilets) are often dealt with on-site.

Greywater can be reused for tasks like watering plants, while blackwater is often composted or disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly manner.

Bathing Facilities: These can range from simple bucket showers to full-fledged shower stalls, heated by solar power, propane, or wood-fired water heaters.

Photo of outhouse in the woods.

Why Make An Off Grid Bathroom?

Creating an off grid bathroom can offer numerous advantages, here are some reasons why you should have one:


This is one of the most attractive benefits of an off grid bathroom. It reduces reliance on external utilities, ensuring that your essential sanitary needs continue to be met even during power outages, natural disasters, or when living in remote areas.

Environmental Impact

Off grid bathrooms typically employ eco-friendly solutions like composting toilets and rainwater harvesting, reducing water usage and waste production.

This can significantly decrease your carbon footprint and contribute positively to the environment.

Cost Savings

While there might be some initial costs involved in setting up an off grid bathroom, over time, savings on water and electricity bills can be substantial.

Additionally, many off grid solutions are designed to be low-maintenance, which can further save on upkeep costs.

Versatility and Adaptability

Off grid bathrooms can be designed to fit various scenarios, from permanent residences to vacation cabins, RVs, or even emergency shelters.

They can be adapted to your particular needs, resources, and the environment you’re in.

Legal and Zoning Freedom

Some people choose off grid living, which includes off grid bathrooms, to escape restrictive building codes and regulations in certain areas.

However, it’s essential to note that you should always check and adhere to local regulations wherever you plan to establish your off grid setup.

Educational Value

Building and maintaining an off grid bathroom can be a rich learning experience, teaching valuable skills like plumbing, carpentry, and understanding water and waste management.


For those interested in emergency preparedness or a survivalist lifestyle, an off grid bathroom is an important component of being ready for any situation where traditional utilities might be disrupted.

Man using a gravity shower outside of his camper van.

What To Consider When Designing An Off Grid Bathroom

With careful planning, you can create a functional and beautiful space that meets your needs and promotes sustainability. Here are some factors you need to consider:

Space Optimization

When designing an off grid bathroom, you’ll want to make the most of the available space. Think about creative ways to maximize storage, such as using built-in shelves or multipurpose furniture.

For example, a sink that doubles as a countertop or a mirror with hidden storage would be great additions.

Compact, wall-mounted fixtures also help free up more room, making your bathroom feel spacious and comfortable.

Ventilation and Drainage

Proper ventilation and drainage are essential components of an off grid bathroom. Without adequate airflow, moisture can build up, leading to issues like mold and mildew.

Strategically place windows or vents to promote natural airflow, or consider installing solar-powered exhaust fans if necessary.

For drainage, you could explore options such as septic systems or compostable off grid toilets. You want to ensure that waste is managed properly to avoid unpleasant odors and environmental issues.

Natural Materials

Using natural materials in an off grid bathroom creates an eco-friendly and harmonious space. Consider materials like wood, stone, or bamboo for flooring, walls, or countertops.

These materials not only look great, but they’re also durable and easy to maintain.

Additionally, incorporating natural elements can seamlessly blend your bathroom with the surrounding environment, creating a tranquil and cozy atmosphere.

Photo of an idea for off grid tub.

What To Consider When Building An Off Grid Bathroom

Choosing the right off grid bathroom is a highly personal decision, as the best choice depends on your unique lifestyle, preferences, and needs.

Here are the things you need to consider before you plan to build your off grid bathroom:

Understanding Your Specific Needs

Whether you’re honing your skills in the wild or preparing for a self-sufficient lifestyle in an isolated retreat, your specific bathroom needs play a crucial role in your decision.

If your plan involves being mobile, traversing terrains, and changing locations frequently, a lightweight, portable toilet would fit the bill.

On the other hand, if you’re setting up a permanent base in a secluded location, a robust composting toilet, offering a longer-term solution and less dependency on external waste disposal, would be a more suitable choice.

Budget Considerations

Working within a budget doesn’t mean you have to compromise on your off grid bathroom needs.

If your funds are limited, you may consider a simpler setup, like a bucket-style camping toilet. These models are incredibly cost-effective and practical.

They’re easy to use and transport, and toilets can be an asset during a crisis, making them a popular choice for those seeking affordability and functionality.

On the other hand, if your budget allows, investing in more advanced systems like composting toilets could prove beneficial in the long run.

Although they have a higher initial cost, their durability, ease of maintenance, and long-term waste management solutions can save you money over time.

So when choosing your off grid bathroom, consider not just the upfront costs but also the long-term benefits and how well the solution aligns with your survival strategy and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Comfort and Ease of Use

When setting up an off grid bathroom, don’t compromise on comfort. Just like your home toilet, it should be something you’re comfortable using daily.

Slightly more expensive models often offer a more homely feel, which can significantly enhance your off grid living experience.

Also, factor in the ease of use. Your off grid bathroom must be functional and straightforward. Look at how the waste disposal or conversion process works if you’re considering composting toilets.

Though some methods might seem complex at first, they may offer benefits like odor reduction and usable compost.

After all, the ideal off grid bathroom should effortlessly combine comfort, convenience, and a touch of home.

Maintenance Requirements

The level of care and upkeep your bathroom needs will heavily depend on the type of system you choose.

For instance, portable camping toilets are relatively low maintenance. They typically require a simple emptying and cleaning process after use.

However, it’s worth noting that frequent use may demand more regular servicing, which could be tricky if you’re on the move or away from convenient disposal facilities.

On the other hand, more permanent solutions like composting toilets require a different kind of maintenance.

So always factor in your willingness and ability to perform necessary maintenance tasks. Keep in mind that regular upkeep is crucial not only for sanitary reasons but also for the longevity of your off grid bathroom setup.

A well-maintained system will serve you effectively and reliably for many years.

Climate and Weather Conditions

Bear in mind the impact of climate and weather on your off grid bathroom.

In chilly climates, composting toilets might underperform due to slowed waste breakdown, and water-based systems risk freezing.

Photo of a frozen off grid toilet.

Similarly, hot, dry environments could cause rapid evaporation, reducing the effectiveness of certain waste disposal systems, like composting toilets, which could dry out.

Also, factors such as heavy rain or strong winds can affect both the stability of lighter bathroom setups and accessibility to outdoor facilities.

Always ensure your off grid bathroom can endure the specific weather conditions of your area for a smooth, efficient experience.

Accessories and Extras

While the core functionality is paramount, don’t overlook the benefits of useful add-ons.

Some off grid bathrooms come with additional features that can elevate your experience and add convenience. For instance, a toilet with a built-in sink or a shower attachment could enhance cleanliness and hygiene.

Privacy accessories, like a tent or a screen, might also be essential if you plan to set up your bathroom outdoors.

For those choosing portable options, look out for models that include carrying cases or bags for easier transport.

Also, consider extras like biodegradable toilet paper or waste disposal bags that are environmentally friendly.

Remember, the right accessories can turn a basic off grid bathroom into a more comfortable and efficient setup.

How Can I Build An Affordable Off Grid Bathroom

Start by considering what you really need. Will it just be you using the bathroom, or is there a whole family to think about? What level of comfort are you after?

Once you’ve got this figured out, you can choose a budget-friendly toilet system that’s right for you, from simple camping toilets to more sustainable composting options.

Next, think about water. You can make some great savings by using rainwater for washing and showering, or why not try a manually-filled portable shower for a quick and easy option?

When it comes to sinks and showers, a basic basin and a jug of water can work wonders, and a solar-heated shower bag in a privacy tent can give you that luxury feel without the hefty price tag.

And for waste disposal, composting or evaporation are both cost-effective options – just remember to check your local guidelines.

Last but not least, don’t be afraid to get creative with repurposed materials for your construction. You’ll save money and have a one-of-a-kind bathroom to show off!

Remember, building an off grid bathroom doesn’t have to be expensive — it’s all about making smart, affordable choices and having a bit of DIY fun along the way.

Off grid bathroom photo.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a humanure toilet different from a composting toilet?

A humanure toilet and a composting toilet both compost human waste, but they function differently.

A composting toilet is a self-contained system that quickly composts waste within the unit through methods like aeration or heat.

Conversely, a humanure toilet is a simple setup, typically a bucket, where waste is manually moved to an external compost pile to decompose over a longer time.

So while both create compost, composting toilets offer faster, automated processing, whereas humanure toilets are simpler and more manual.

How can I ensure the comfort and ease of use of my off grid bathroom?

Ensuring comfort in your off grid bathroom starts with the right choice of facilities. Pick a toilet that aligns with your comfort levels, from composting toilets to simple bucket-style ones.

For bathing, solar showers or portable systems offer a warm, satisfying rinse.

Think about location too — it should be conveniently accessible, yet offer enough privacy. And don’t forget those little extras. For, instance, a comfy seat for your toilet or a small shelf for toiletries can transform your off grid bathroom from basic to cozy.

Can I have an outhouse with a shower and toilet?

Absolutely, you can have an outhouse with both a shower and toilet. It just requires careful planning and setup.

Your outhouse will need to be a bit larger to comfortably accommodate both. You’ll need a reliable water source for the shower, and consider how you’ll handle wastewater.

Also, think about heating options if you want warm showers, like a solar shower bag or a gas-powered water heater.

As for the toilet, composting or portable toilets are common off grid choices.

With these considerations, you can create a fully-functional off grid bathroom in your outhouse.

Photo of an idea for an off grid shower.

Off Grid Bathroom Ideas For Living When SHTF: Key Takeaways

Navigating through the world of off grid bathroom ideas, we’ve seen that comfort, adaptability, and a touch of creativity are key, especially when the grid goes down.

Remember, your best bet for an off grid bathroom setup is one that suits your survival strategies, caters to your personal needs, fits your budget, and is adaptable to your environment.

You might choose a simple yet effective bucket toilet or an ecologically conscious humanure system. Perhaps, the higher-end composting toilet aligns more with your prepping style.

Similarly, when it comes to keeping fresh and clean, a sun-soaked solar shower bag or a nifty portable shower system could be your new best friend.

In essence, preparing an off grid bathroom is about finding a balance between managing waste effectively and maintaining hygiene so that you can stay healthy and comfortable even in the harshest of situations.

17 Best Bushcraft Wool Blankets For Camping & Survival

17 Best Bushcraft Wool Blankets For Camping & Survival

The best bushcraft wool blankets provide essential warmth and comfort for outdoor adventures. Exploring the diverse world of wool blankets reveals a range of materials, including resilient Merino and luxurious Alpaca wool, each offering unique benefits for bushcraft enthusiasts.

They serve as your barrier against the cold and unpredictable weather of the wilderness. 

We understand the struggles of choosing — having a bushcraft wool blanket that’s too heavy to carry, too thin to keep you warm, or simply doesn’t feel right against your skin. It’s a situation we all want to avoid, which is precisely why this guide exists.

We’ve compiled a list of the top 17 bushcraft wool blankets. Each selection meets rigorous standards, promising you a reliable, cozy ally in your wilderness journeys.

Keep reading to find the perfect fit for your adventures.

Young woman wrapped up in a bushcraft wool blanket holding a cup of coffee.

Our Top 3 Picks Of The Best Wool Blankets

Dive into our top three picks of remarkable bushcraft wool blankets that stand out in quality and performance. Each selection is meticulously analyzed for its durability, warmth, and practicality in the wilderness.

In This Guide

Wool blanket next to a campfire.

The 17 Best Bushcraft Wool Blankets

Take a look at our carefully curated selection of bushcraft wool blankets below. 

1. 1844 Helko Werk Germany Swiss Army Mountaineer Blanket

Size: 60” x 80”

Material: 100% fine Australian wool

Weight: 3 pounds

  • Made of 100% fine-grade Australian wool
  • Water-resistant with border trim stitching
  • Warm and durable
  • Pricier than some alternatives
  • Care is needed when washing due to leather patches

The 1844 Helko Werk Germany Swiss Army Mountaineer Blanket is not your average bushcraft gear – it’s a blend of comfort, warmth, and durability. 

It’s also water resistant, which can come in handy even if you got caught in the rain during your trip.

While this blanket doesn’t skimp on quality, its price is a little higher compared to other options, but the investment might be worth it for frequent campers and outdoor enthusiasts.

A word of caution though: its leather patches could pose a minor challenge during laundry sessions. However, with the right care and attention, you’ll have no issues maintaining this beauty.

For those ready to level up their outdoor gear with a superior bushcraft wool blanket, the 1844 Helko Werk Germany Swiss Army Mountaineer Blanket is a solid choice.

2. Pendleton Roll-Up Wool Blanket

Size: 70” x 60”

Material: Nylon, wool

Weight: 3.25 pounds

  • High-quality material
  • Roll-up design and built-in carrying handle for portability
  • Durable and reliable
  • Not the softest material and you may feel outlines of objects beneath
  • Material may not be entirely waterproof

This blanket, crafted with 100% pure virgin wool on one side and sturdy 100% nylon on the other, strikes a perfect balance between comfort and resilience. 

It’s a companion you’d want in your trunk, always at your service when the need calls.

Beware, though; its exquisite look might lead people to believe it’s worth thrice its price. Try using it as a snug lap blanket in your car or at a stadium, and you’ll quickly realize why every vehicle ought to have one tucked away.

3. QISU Alpaca Wool Blanket Throw

Size: 94” x 78”

Material: Alpaca blend

Weight: 1.65 pounds

  • Crafted with high-quality, breathable Alpaca wool
  • Soft, lightweight, and versatile
  • Easy to clean and maintain
  • The blanket's lightness might not be to everyone's preference
  • Some customers found it less thick than expected

Lightweight yet cozy, this blanket takes up minimal space in your pack while promising ample warmth during chilly nights. 

The mix of 50% Alpaca and 50% Acrylic ensures water resistance, a critical feature when dealing with unpredictable weather in the wild. They’re low maintenance and suitable for both delicate washes and dry cleaning.

The softness and breathability of these blankets set them apart, providing an additional layer of insulation without overheating. Note, though, that if you’re after a denser, larger blanket, you might find these slightly lacking.

Still, the benefits of Alpaca wool blankets, including their compactness, warmth, and easy maintenance, make them a smart choice for your bushcraft adventures.

4. JQZ 100% Wool Blanket

Size: 59” x 80”

Material: 100% wool

Weight: 4.5 pounds

  • Made of 100% wool material
  • Versatile for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Sturdy and retains its shape
  • May have a strong farm animal smell initially
  • Straps and hardware may seem inexpensive

Boasting a classic and elegant design with a white cross embroidered on a brown base adorned with red stripes, this blanket replicates the ones initially crafted for the Swiss Army.

The high-quality wool construction ensures this bushcraft wool blanket offers warmth, durability, and versatility for a multitude of outdoor pursuits.

Its portability adds another feather to its cap, letting you bring it along anywhere, anytime.

However, some users might find the initial scent of the blanket, somewhat farm-like, to be less appealing. 

Plus, the straps and hardware used for rolling up the blanket are not as durable as the blanket itself. Despite these minor drawbacks, the JQZ 100% Wool Blanket remains a versatile and worthwhile investment for both indoor and outdoor use.

5. Oceas Sherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket

Size: 79” x 57”

Material: Fleece

Weight: 2 pounds

  • Luxurious and warm Sherpa fleece
  • 100% waterproof and windproof
  • Versatile for various outdoor activities
  • Slightly heavier than other blankets
  • May not be warm enough for extreme temperatures

Although the Oceas Sherpa Waterproof Camping Blanket is not wool, we thought it was worth mentioning. It offers excellent outdoor luxury with its thick and soft Sherpa fleece material.

The ultrasonic stitching adds durability and helps keep you warm like a wool throw while providing insulation similar to a winter jacket.

Stitched to a waterproof polyester backing, the blanket provides warmth and protection from the elements.

One thing you’ll appreciate is the 100% waterproof feature. The extra PU coating ensures that no water seeps through, so you can lay it on wet grass or wear it in the rain without getting wet. 

This blanket also includes a large carry bag for easy storage and an elastic strap to secure it while rolled up. It’s an excellent option for those seeking a warm, waterproof, and versatile outdoor blanket.

However, it may be slightly heavier than other blankets and could be insufficient for extreme cold temperatures.

6. Woolly Mammoth Woolen Co. Merino Wool Camp Blanket

Size: 90” x 66”

Material: 80% wool, 12% polyester,  5% nylon, 3% other fibers

Weight: 4 pounds

  • 80% premium Merino wool material
  • Breathable, temperature-regulating, and water-resistant
  • Durable with a double-stitched edging and a milled finish
  • Heavier than some other blankets
  • Wool fibers may cause slight variance in size

Crafted from 80% Merino wool, the Woolly Mammoth Woolen Co. Merino Wool Camp Blanket ensures breathability, warmth, and comfort all at once. Its generous size caters perfectly to camping, hiking, or just any outdoor escapade. 

The unique twill weave design not only enhances the durability of this camp bushcraft wool blanket but also promotes a visually attractive appearance.

With a milled finish and double-stitched edging, you can trust that this blanket will last you for years to come.

So if you’re in search of a reliable bushcraft wool blanket for your outdoor escapes or simply as a throw blanket at home, the Woolly Mammoth Woolen Co. Merino Wool Camp Blanket is an excellent choice.

7. EKTOS Military Wool Blanket

Size: 90” x 66”

Material: 100% wool

Weight: 5 pounds

  • Traps body heat in extreme conditions, even when wet
  • Durable and lasts long
  • Large size comfortably covers tall or multiple users
  • Strong scent or odor, even when dry
  • Might shed during initial uses

The EKTOS Military Wool Blanket is the perfect companion for those seeking a warm and comfortable blanket for their bushcraft and outdoor escapades.

Its temperature-regulating properties allow it to remain warm even when wet, ensuring you stay cozy and secure in extreme conditions.

The blanket is also loom-woven, adding to its durability for long-lasting usage. Plus, its large size ensures that it can comfortably cover users of any height, with enough room for two adults side-by-side. 

Despite its appealing aspects, there are a couple of points to consider. The blanket does release a noticeable smell, even when dry, which might be off-putting for some. Also, initial uses may see a bit of shedding, an issue reported by some users.

These considerations, though important, don’t overshadow the overall dependability of the EKTOS Military Wool Blanket. It continues to be a solid pick for those in need of a durable and warm blanket for their bushcraft adventures.

8. Texas Bushcraft Merino Wool Blanket

Size: 87” x 63”

Material: 30% Merino wool, 40%polyester, 16%acrylic, 7%cotton, 7%nylon

Weight: 3.43 pounds

  • Warm and thermo-regulating
  • Water-resistant and fast-drying
  • Large size and double-stitched edging
  • Initial lanolin smell
  • Dry clean only

The Texas Bushcraft Merino Wool Blanket boasts 80% Merino wool and 20% nylon polyester blend, which provides you with warmth and water resistance, making it perfect for fending off chilly evenings during your outdoor adventures.

Along with its impressive performance, this blanket’s large size and double-stitched edges ensure its durability for long-lasting use. 

The only caveat to this wonderful blanket is the initial lanolin smell due to the wool’s natural oils. However, the odor will dissipate over time and can be expedited by hanging the blanket outside for a few days.

This bushcraft wool blanket is a valuable and versatile investment for anyone passionate about outdoor activities.

With its commendable heat retention, water-resistance, and robustness, it’s the kind of gear that could turn a challenging outdoor experience into an enjoyable one.

Also Great
9. PuTian Merino Wool Blanket

Size: 87” x 63”

Material: Polyester, nylon, wool

Weight: 3.43 pounds

  • Lightweight and warm with its blend of Merino wool and synthetic fibers
  • Durable stitching and fabrication to withstand frequent use
  • Machine washable and easy to maintain
  • Not as thick as some might prefer
  • Some users report conflicting patterns that may not match their space

The PuTian Merino Wool Blanket is a versatile blanket that offers warmth, softness and durability.

Even at its large size of 63 x 87 inches, the blanket remains lightweight, making it suitable for carrying around during camping or outdoor events.

One of the unique qualities of this blanket is its odor-free feature. It remains fresh even after use in various environments.

The tight knitting and added fibers also enhance the blanket’s thermal insulation properties, ensuring you stay cozy during your outdoor activities.

However, some users mention that since it’s not as thick as they expected, the level of warmth provided might not be sufficient for freezing temperatures.

Still, the PuTian Merino Wool Blanket is a great investment if you’re looking for a blanket for various indoor and outdoor activities – just make sure the pattern fits your style!

10. ACUSHLA Merino Wool Camping Blanket

Size: 79” x 63”

Material: 25% Merino wool, 72% polyester, 3% nylon

Weight: 3.5 pounds

  • Made with Merino Wool
  • 100% odor-free and machine washable
  • Warm and dependable insulation
  • May be smaller than expected

Made with a blend of Merino wool, polyester, and nylon, this queen-sized blanket ensures comfort for even the tallest users.

The blanket is 100% odor free, making it perfect for shared use or cold nights in tents. And thanks to the wool content, it provides excellent insulation to keep you warm even in wet conditions.

It’s also machine washable, allowing for easy maintenance throughout its life.

It’s worth noting that this blanket isn’t entirely wool-made. It’s a blend that includes polyester and nylon. While this combination might alter some of wool’s classic characteristics, it adds longevity and a softer texture.

That’s why this bushcraft wool blanket delivers on both fronts — providing the warmth you need during your escapades, while being durable and easy to maintain.

11. Arcturus Plaid Wool Blanket

Size: 88” x 64”

Material: 80% wool, 20% synthetic material

Weight: 4 pounds

  • Warm and heavyweight
  • Large size suitable for various situations
  • Machine washable and gets softer with each wash
  • Might have a chemical smell initially
  • Only available in one color (Red Buffalo)

This blanket is perfect for those seeking a warm, heavy, and high-quality wool blanket for both outdoor and indoor use. It’s made from 80% wool and 20% synthetic materials, ensuring both warmth and durability.

It’s also machine washable, a convenience not commonly found with wool blankets.

Moreover, if you notice a distinct chemical odor at first, don’t be alarmed. Washing the blanket can effectively get rid of it.

What’s more, every wash enhances its softness without compromising its overall quality and warmth retention.

The Arcturus Plaid Wool Blanket emerges as an excellent supplement to your collection. Its heat-preserving capacity, generous size, and ease of washing make it a suitable and flexible choice for diverse settings.

12. Arcturus Wool Military Blanket

Size: 88 x 64”

Material: 70% wool, 30% synthetic material

Weight: 4 pounds

  • Triple-washed for softness and hygiene
  • Large size for ample coverage
  • Machine washable with improved softness over time
  • May shed fibers initially
  • Holes reported by some users

The Arcturus Military Wool Blanket is a beautifully designed, loom-woven blanket with contrasting lock stitching that makes it suitable for use at home or during outdoor activities.

One of the standout features of this blanket is its triple-washed production process, which ensures it’s both soft to the touch and less susceptible to shedding.

While the blanket has many great qualities, some users have reported initial shedding and small stitched holes.

Still, the Arcturus Military Wool Blanket is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a comfortable, warm, and dependable option for their outdoor adventures or cozy nights in.

13. Tirrinia Outdoors Waterproof Blanket

Size: 51” x 59” and 59” x 79”

Material: Sherpa, polyester, fleece

Weight: 2 pounds

  • Waterproof and windproof for reliable weather protection
  • Packable and portable for easy storage and transport
  • Machine washable
  • Warm Sherpa fleece lining for added comfort and insulation
  • Requires careful folding to secure it with the Velcro
  • The windproof feature is more efficient than its warming capabilities

Another non wool blanket we found that was worth mentioning is the Tirrinia Outdoors Waterproof blanket. Stay cozy and dry during your outdoor adventures with this portable and versatile blanket.

Its waterproof and windproof design ensures you’re prepared for any weather, while the plush Sherpa fleece lining keeps you warm and comfortable. 

Easily packable, this compact blanket rolls up neatly and secures with a heavy-duty fastener, making storage a breeze.

Despite its lightweight, it offers ample warmth, even in temperatures as low as the 30’s. However, keep in mind that the soft side may attract leaves and other debris, so it might be best used for sitting rather than laying on the ground.

Budget Pick
14. EKTOS 90% Wool Camping Blanket

Size: 90” x 66” 

Material: 90% wool; 10% synthetic material

Weight: 4.4 pounds

  • Retains heat even when wet
  • Easy to maintain with machine washability
  • Naturally fire-retardant without the use of chemical additives
  • Some might find the initial scent of the blanket a bit potent
  • Requires delicate hand washing to maintain its quality, which might be inconvenient for some

This blanket, surpassing even military surplus quality, is expertly designed to trap body heat, even when damp, so you can stay warm in harsh conditions.

It’s not only breathable and temperature-regulating but also loom-woven to enhance durability.

For those cozy nights by the campfire, you can rest easy knowing that this blanket is naturally flame-retardant, as wool inherently resists fire without the need for chemical additives.

Also, the care for this blanket couldn’t be easier; it’s machine washable and pre-washed at the factory three times to ensure immediate usability.

Plus, recent enhancements have upgraded the blanket’s quality, resulting in better odor control, enhanced softness, and improved washability.

As an added bonus, it comes with a reusable storage pouch for convenience.

15. TEKO 80% Wool Blanket - Camping Blankets for Cold Weather

Size: 90” x 64”

Material: Wool blend

Weight: 4.5 pounds

  • Thick 80% wool for comfort and durability
  • Fire-retardant for safety near campfires
  • Lightweight and washable for easy packing
  • Strong chemical smell out of the package
  • May shed and lose stitching after first wash

The TEKO wool blanket is made of 80% wool and 20% man-made materials that provide an optimal blend of comfort, quality, and durability. 

The moisture-wicking property of this wool blend can keep you warm in even the harshest weather conditions.

Safety is a priority with the TEKO wool blanket, which is designed to be fire-retardant and slow down the spread or intensity of any fire.

This makes it an excellent choice for situations involving campfires, BBQs, beach bonfires, and similar outdoor gatherings.

Moreover, the blanket remains chemical-free and safe for the whole family to use, so you can enjoy peace of mind while cuddling up in its warmth.

One caveat to consider is the strong chemical smell that comes with the product initially. It’s highly recommended to wash the blanket before using it, and then it’s all set for your adventures!

16. EverOne Olive Drab Wool Blanket

Size: 66” x 90”

Material: 80% wool

Weight: 3.45 pounds

  • Durable and ideal for camping, hunting, or other outdoor activities
  • Designed to trap body heat effectively
  • Fire retardant material for safety
  • May have a strong odor initially
  • Requires special care when washing

EverOne’s Olive Drab Wool Blanket features 80% wool that ensures warmth and comfort, even under extreme conditions. The fire retardant material provides added peace of mind when using it around a campfire or fireplace.

However, some users report a strong odor upon opening the package. Washing in a delicate cycle tied up in a pillowcase might help alleviate this issue, but it requires more care than synthetic blankets.

Despite these minor drawbacks, this bushcraft wool blanket proves to be a valuable addition to any outdoor excursion or emergency kit.

Its military-style design, robustness, and impressive heat retention qualities make it an investment that any explorer would find valuable.

17.TAKTICK Grey Military Wool Blanket

Size: 40” x 30”

Material: Wool

Weight: 3 pounds

  • Warm and thick for cozy comfort
  • Durable military-grade material
  • Large size is perfect for camping or twin beds
  • Slight scratchiness due to wool material
  • Might be too small for some

Using the TAKTICK Grey Military Wool Blanket will be a game-changer during camping trips. Its warmth keeps you comfortable during chilly nights in the great outdoors, and the thickness adds an extra layer of insulation.

However, as a bushcraft wool blanket, there’s a slight scratchiness that some people may find uncomfortable. You could layer it over other bedding materials or simply appreciate the traditional woolen texture.

But if you want a blanket that provides a comfortable and warm camping experience, without breaking the bank, this one’s for you.

The quality of the material and its generous size make it suitable for various situations, from emergency shelter to everyday use on your bed at home

Why Should You Use A Wool Blanket?

A bushcraft wool blanket provides natural warmth by insulating you in cold temperatures. Its water-resistant properties wick away moisture, keeping you dry even in damp conditions.

Additionally, wool blankets are flame-retardant, making them a safe choice in any outdoor situation.

As an eco-friendly choice, wool comes from a renewable and biodegradable source. Its production demands less energy than synthetic counterparts, lowering its carbon footprint. With wool fibers designed to last, you’re guaranteed a durable and long-lasting investment.

A wool blanket’s multi-purpose nature is a key feature, with uses ranging from a ground cover to an improvised shelter or a poncho. This makes it a crucial part of your bushcraft kit.

Photo of a young woman wrapped in a bushcraft wool blanket.

Types Of Wool Blankets

When it comes to bushcraft, your choice of a quality bushcraft wool blanket isn’t one-size-fits-all. Different types of wool offer unique benefits. Let’s explore a few.

Merino Wool

Merino Wool, known for its exceptional softness and thermal regulation, is a preferred choice among bushcraft enthusiasts. It’s a natural, breathable fiber that assures comfort in varying outdoor conditions.

This wool, known for its remarkable warmth and softness, comes from Merino sheep predominantly found in Spain, Australia, and New Zealand. 

Merino wool is highly desirable because it’s soft enough to wear against your skin and has excellent moisture-wicking properties, keeping you dry and cozy.

Alpaca Wool

Alpaca Wool is renowned for its lightweight properties and superior warmth, making it a suitable option for bushcraft wool blankets. This luxurious material is sourced from alpaca fiber and provides superior thermal insulation while being lightweight and comfortable for bushcraft expeditions.

If you’re prone to skin sensitivities or allergies, this could be the perfect choice for you. It’s also impressively water-resistant and has good heat retention.

Icelandic Wool

Icelandic wool blankets deliver robust insulation and durability. The unique fiber structure offers excellent resistance against harsh weather, making it ideal for bushcraft.

Although it might not be as soft as Merino or Alpaca wool, its durability and insulation are unbeatable.

Fleece Wool

Fleece wool blankets are a preferred choice for lightweight and efficient warmth in the wilderness. They offer excellent insulation and moisture resistance, ensuring a dry and cozy shelter.

Fleece is a synthetic wool made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a type of plastic found in many single-use bottles. This material is hypoallergenic, lightweight, water-resistant, and can mimic the warmth provided by real wool.

Despite not being a “true” wool, it’s a popular choice due to its easy-care properties and cost-effectiveness. Fleece wool blankets are machine-washable and dry fast, making them a practical addition to your bushcraft gear.

Rugged man wrapped in a wool blanket.

What To Consider When Buying The Best Bushcraft Wool Blanket

When buying the best bushcraft wool blanket, consider factors that align with your specific needs and outdoor conditions, such as the following:


When considering the best bushcraft wool blanket, prioritize the material for optimal warmth and durability. Opt for natural fibers, like Merino or Alpaca, for optimal performance. Your bushcraft wool blanket should be dense, durable, flame-resistant and warm. So it’s best to select a wool blend with at least 80% wool content.

Synthetic blends may compromise the wool’s natural properties, which may either enhance or reduce the blanket’s performance.

Size and Weight

Pay attention to size and weight when choosing a bushcraft wool blanket. A lightweight and adequately sized blanket ensures ease of transport and sufficient coverage.

Your bushcraft wool blanket should be easy to transport without sacrificing warmth. A balance between weight and insulation is crucial.

If you plan to use the blanket for sleeping, ensure it is long and wide enough to cover your body comfortably. Consider a larger size for extra coverage or warmth.

Quality And Build

Assess the quality and build of the bushcraft wool blanket for a dependable and durable choice. Look for reinforced edges and consistent weaving for long-term use. A well-constructed blanket withstands the rigors of outdoor use, offering reliable warmth and shelter.

How To Care For Your Wool Blanket

Learn how to care for your wool blanket to maintain its quality and prolong its lifespan. Proper washing and drying techniques, as well as correct storage, are vital for preserving the blanket’s integrity. Let’s dive right into how to gently care for your bushcraft wool blanket.

Washing Guidelines

Adhere to specific washing guidelines to keep your bushcraft wool blanket in optimal condition. Use mild detergent and cold water to prevent damage and shrinkage. Instead of tossing it into the washing machine, opt for hand-washing it in cold water.

Use a mild detergent, specifically made for wool, because ordinary soaps can be overly harsh on natural fibers.

As you wash, resist the urge to wring or twist the blanket to remove water — instead, gently squeeze it.

Proper Drying Techniques

Towels and wool blankets hanging on a clothing line to dry outdoors.

Line drying is the way to go when it comes to drying your bushcraft wool blanket.

Avoid the temptation of a quick dryer cycle; the intense heat can shrink your blanket and damage its overall quality. Also, avoid excessive heat to maintain the blanket’s shape, softness, and insulating properties.

Always hang it out to dry in a shaded spot, as direct sunlight can cause the colors to fade.

Maintain Freshness Between Washes

Regularly air out your bushcraft wool blanket to maintain its freshness between washes. This practice helps in keeping the blanket odor-free and in prime condition.


Store your wool blanket properly to prevent moth damage and maintain its quality. Keep it in a cool, dry place and use breathable storage bags for optimal protection. Avoid exposing it to direct heat or agitation, which could damage the fibers.

Photo of a young woman at a campsite using her wool blanket.

FAQs About The Best Bushcraft Wool Blankets

What is the ideal weight for a bushcraft wool blanket?

The ideal weight for a bushcraft wool blanket varies depending on your needs and preferences. A good rule of thumb is to look for a blanket that weighs between 3-5 pounds, as it strikes a balance between warmth and portability.

Can a wool blanket be used as a shelter in bushcraft?

Yes, a wool blanket can be employed as a makeshift shelter in bushcraft by using it as a lean-to, ground cover, or even a canopy to protect against sun or rain.

Is a wool blanket better than a sleeping bag for bushcraft?

While bushcraft wool blankets provide excellent insulation and multi-purpose use, sleeping bags can offer more targeted insulation, especially in colder temperatures.

Choosing between the two ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and the environment you are venturing into.

Couple nest to a campfire bundled up in bushcraft wool blankets.

Bushcraft Wool Blankets: Key Takeaways

A bushcraft wool blanket isn’t just a piece of gear, but a potential lifesaver in bushcraft activities. Prioritize a blanket made from 100% natural wool for optimal insulation and durability.

Yes, it might be pricier, but out there in plummeting temperatures, that cost won’t cross your mind.

Also, don’t compromise on features, such as weight, size, and material — your safety and comfort are at stake.

Investing in a high-quality bushcraft wool blanket might strain your budget initially, but when you’re stuck in the wilderness, you’ll realize it’s worth every penny. Make your choices wisely. This isn’t just about comfort, but survival.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve Uses And Reviews

Wise Owl Furniture Salve Uses And Reviews

A bushcraft furniture salve is more than just a maintenance product; it’s an essential solution for preserving the longevity and quality of your wooden belongings.

You should keep your furniture and wooden tools in tip-top condition, especially when your survival could hinge on it.

What if I told you there was a natural alternative to traditional furniture polish that could help you take one step closer to being better prepared?

Meet the Wise Owl Furniture Salve. This amazing salve is a great choice for any bushcraft furniture and can also be used on everything from wooden spoons to leather belts or boots.

But don’t just take our word for it. Wise Owl has been used and trusted by bushcraft enthusiasts for years. It’s the go-to choice for bushcraft furniture salve for those who demand the best from their wood and leather products. 

In this article, we’ll dive deep into the benefits of Wise Owl Furniture Salve and show you how it can help you get prepared for whatever comes your way.

So read on if you are ready to take your prepping game to the next level.

Photo of a small tin of bushcraft furniture salve on top of a wooden table.

In This Article

Wise Owl Salves?

Wise Owl furniture salves are a game-changer in furniture maintenance as craftsmanship lies at the core of these unique solutions. These are a unique and versatile line of products designed to protect, restore, and rejuvenate your furniture and other various surfaces.

These make a great bushcraft furniture salve because they are a natural sealant that can be used to protect and restore the soft sheen of your wooden furniture and tools.

The primary function of these salves is to breathe life back into worn-out or aged furniture, be it wood or leather, by nourishing the material and restoring its original luster.

They also offer protection from damage, including water damage, and feature bactericidal properties that help shield your furniture from harmful bacteria.

Image of bushcraft furniture salve.

Ingredients of Wise Owl Furniture Salves

The secret of a salve’s ingredient lies in the blend of natural waxes and oils. Wise Owl Furniture Salves contain a natural formula that is gentle on your furniture and the environment.

What makes Wise Owl stand out is its high hemp seed oil content in the formula, which provides a nourishing and protective layer to your furniture.

This natural ingredient is known for its moisturizing and protective properties, making it an ideal choice for furniture care.

Wise Owl products also contain natural ingredients that are free from harsh chemicals, making it safe for use around children and pets.

Plus, it contains coconut oil, which keeps the wax soft and easy to apply on any surface.

Benefits And Uses Of Wise Owl Furniture Salve

Now let’s explore the multiple uses and advantages of Wise Owl salves. From rejuvenation to preservation, the applications are boundless.

Protects Furniture

Wise Owl Furniture Salves provide a protective barrier to your furniture against moisture and wear. This defense mechanism is made of all-natural and non-toxic ingredients that can help restore and protect your wooden furniture or leather goods.

It can help prevent cracking, fading, and other damage caused by exposure to sunlight, moisture, and other environmental factors. 

With water-protective qualities, this salve ensures your furniture and tools remain sturdy and functional, even in adverse weather conditions. It’s an essential component of your survival kit, providing that extra layer of protection your equipment needs when you’re in the wild.

It can also enhance the natural beauty of the wood, giving it a rich and lustrous shine.

Photo of a beautiful polished wooden counter.

Restores Furniture

Breathing life back into wooden furniture is another key benefit. This furniture salve is a natural super oil that you can use on different kinds of surfaces.

Its bactericidal properties shield your gear from harmful bacteria, extending its longevity even in the harshest environments.

Provides Aromatherapy and Scents

Not only does Wise Owl Furniture Salve restore your furniture, but it also provides aromatherapy benefits that enchant your space with calming scents. This also helps with deodorizing musty old furniture.

From lavender to peppermint there are plenty of scents to choose from to suit your needs. They recently came out with a new scent that brings the fresh smell of summer to your next project.

Man getting ready to use some furniture salve.

Application and Maintenance

Here’s a guide on how to properly apply and maintain your furniture using Wise Owl salves.

How To Apply Wise Owl Furniture Salve

Applying Wise Owl Furniture Salve is easy and straightforward. You only need a good brush and the right techniques. There are two ways to use it: using a brush or a lint-free cloth.

If you prefer to use a brush, make sure it is a natural bristle brush. Synthetic brushes can leave streaks and may not apply the salve evenly. On the other hand, a natural bristle brush will give you a smooth, even application.

But if you prefer to use a cloth, make sure it is lint-free to avoid leaving any fibers behind. A microfiber cloth or an old T-shirt works well.

Regardless of the method you choose, here’s how to apply Wise Owl to your furniture:

  • First, make sure the surface you are applying the salve to is clean and dry. 

  • Then, using a natural bristle brush, apply a thin layer of the salve in the direction of the wood grain. The butter texture of the salve makes it easy to apply evenly and smoothly. 

  • After applying, wait for 5-10 minutes to allow the salve to penetrate the wood.

Once the waiting period is over, use a lint-free cloth to wipe off any excess bushcraft furniture salve. The result is a beautiful, natural finish that will protect your furniture for years to come.

H/T to @mycreativedays for this video on how to use Wise Owl furniture salve.

Maintaining Furniture With Wise Owl Furniture Salve

Consistency in maintenance ensures long-lasting results. Monthly touch-ups can make all the difference. As mentioned earlier, Wise Owl Furniture Salve not only protects your wood and leather goods but also helps maintain it. Regular application of the salve will keep your furniture looking its best and prevent drying and cracking.

To maintain your furniture, simply follow the same steps as when applying the salve. 

  • Clean and dry the surface, and apply a thin layer of the salve with a natural bristle brush. 

  • Wipe off any excess with a lint-free cloth. 

  • Repeat this process every six to twelve months, or as needed.

Using Wise Owl Furniture Salve On Leather

Using Wise Owl Furniture Salve on leather provides extra nourishment and durability. Consider it a spa treatment for your leather goods.

  • First, clean the leather with a damp cloth and let it dry.

  • Apply a small amount of Wise Owl Furniture Salve evenly using a soft cloth.

  • Allow the salve to soak in, ideally overnight, to deeply nourish the leather.

  • Buff the surface with a dry cloth to remove any excess salve and enhance the leather’s shine.

  • Regularly repeat this process for ongoing care, always spot test first, and avoid suede or unfinished leather.
Polished leather bag on a table.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve Reviews

Take a glimpse of what users are saying about the different Wise Owl Furniture salve options. Real-world testimonials are the best quality indicators.

Wise Owl products include a variety of furniture salves and tonics that are made from high-quality, all-natural ingredients. They also carry a variety of paint, painting supplies and candles.

Here’s a brief overview of a few of Wise Owl’s Furniture Salve products:

Wise Owl New Furniture Salve 

Wise Owl New Furniture Salve is made with a blend of natural oils and waxes and helps to moisturize and protect wood while also adding a subtle shine.

If you’ve just purchased a new piece of wooden furniture and want to protect it from damage, this salve is a great option.

Whether you’re looking for a furniture polish, wax, or salve, there’s a Wise Owl product that’s perfect for your needs.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve in Tobacco Flower 

The Tobacco Flower variant offers a rich, rustic aroma. Users often associate it with sophistication and luxury. This salve is made with a blend of beeswax and natural oils and has a warm and inviting scent that’s perfect for cozy spaces. It helps to moisturize and protect the wood while also adding a subtle shine.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve in Noir Moon 

The Tobacco Flower variant offers a rich, rustic aroma. Users often associate it with sophistication and luxury. If you’re looking for a furniture polish that’s easy to apply and has a pleasant scent, Noir Moon is a great option.

It’s made with a blend of natural oils and waxes and helps to protect wood from scratches and other damage.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve in Unscented Hemp

This unscented variant offers a subtle and natural approach to furniture care. This blend is perfect for those who prefer a non-intrusive, fragrance-free salve, while still reaping the robust conditioning benefits of hemp seed oil.

This unscented hemp version is ideal for maintaining the original look and feel of your bushcraft furniture, offering an understated solution to restoration and preservation.

Photo of a wooden cabinet,

Frequently Asked Questions

Can furniture salve be used on all types of wood?

Yes, Wise Owl Furniture Salve is safe to use on all types of wood, including hardwoods, softwoods, and even reclaimed or antique woods.

It is also safe to use on painted or stained wood surfaces.

Is furniture salve safe for indoor use?

Yes, Wise Owl Furniture Salve is safe for indoor use, as it is made from all-natural and non-toxic ingredients.

Also, it does not contain any harmful chemicals or fumes that could be harmful to you or your family.

Does furniture salve leave a greasy residue?

No, Wise Owl Furniture Salve does not leave a greasy residue on your furniture. It is designed to soak into the wood, leaving behind a protective layer that enhances the natural beauty of the wood.

How often should furniture salve be applied?

We recommend applying Wise Owl Furniture Salve every 6-12 months, depending on the level of use and exposure to environmental factors.

Regular application can help keep your furniture and leather goods looking its best and protect it from damage.

Photo of a beautiful polished leather backpack.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve: Key Takeaways

Wise Owl Furniture Salves offer an unmatched blend of preservation, restoration, and sensory delight. These are more than just maintenance products; they’re essential investments for anyone serious about home care.

If you’re looking for a natural way to protect and preserve your wooden furniture, Wise Owl Furniture Salve is a great product to consider.

Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Made with all-natural ingredients: This furniture salve is made with a blend of beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils, so you can feel good about using it in your home.

  • Provides long-lasting protection: Not only does Wise Owl Furniture Salve protect your furniture from scratches and water damage, but it also helps to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.

  • Easy to apply: Simply apply a small amount of the salve to a clean, dry cloth and rub it into your furniture in a circular motion. It’s that easy!

  • Versatile: This furniture salve can be used on a variety of wooden surfaces, including tables, chairs, cabinets, and more.

Wise Owl Furniture Salve is a great product for anyone looking to protect and preserve their wooden furniture in a natural and affordable way.

What are your thoughts about Wise Owl products? Have you used them? Comment your thoughts below!

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